Chapter 13A. Revised Real Property Tax Sales.

Subchapter I. General Provisions. Back to Top
§ 47-1330. Definitions.
§ 47-1331. Tax is lien on real property; priority; application of payment; lien for deferred tax.
§ 47-1332. Sale by Mayor of all properties.
§ 47-1333. Sale not subject to procurement.
§ 47-1334. Interest rate.
§ 47-1335. Issuance of regulations to carry out chapter.
Subchapter II. Sale. Back to Top
§ 47-1340. Notice to agencies; certification of taxes due agencies; General Fund; disbursement.
§ 47-1341. Notice of delinquency.
§ 47-1342. Public notice; costs.
§ 47-1342.01. Bid off property.
§ 47-1343. Real property to be sold as entirety.
§ 47-1344. Personal property of owner not affecting sale.
§ 47-1345. Sale of real property subject to possessory interests.
§ 47-1346. Sale at public auction.
§ 47-1347. Payment of purchase price at tax sale.
§ 47-1348. Certificate of sale-in general.
§ 47-1349. Same-assignment.
§ 47-1350. Same-recording.
§ 47-1351. Same-as evidence.
§ 47-1352. Purchase by District-in general.
§ 47-1353. Same-right to sell or foreclose upon real property.
§ 47-1354. Payment of other taxes and liabilities by purchaser; assignment.
§ 47-1355. Void certificate of sale.
Subchapter III. Redemption. Back to Top
§ 47-1360. Right of redemption.
§ 47-1361. Required payments; notice to purchaser; certificate of redemption.
§ 47-1362. Fixing amount necessary for redemption after action to foreclose filed.
§ 47-1363. Rights of owners and purchasers during redemption period; appointment of receiver of real property.
§ 47-1364. Assessment during redemption period; assessment to purchaser.
§ 47-1365. Tenant or person with less than fee simple interest paying taxes or levies to have credit out of rents.
§ 47-1366. Cancellation of sale by Mayor.
Subchapter IV. Foreclosure. Back to Top
§ 47-1370. Complaints by purchasers to foreclose the right of redemption; exercise of authority by form of complaint.
§ 47-1371. Parties.
§ 47-1372. Notice to certain persons.
§ 47-1373. How unknown owner made party; affidavit of search.
§ 47-1374. Service of process.
§ 47-1375. Notice by publication.
§ 47-1376. Validity of taxes and sale presumed unless attacked in answer.
§ 47-1377. Purchaser reimbursed by redeeming party for expenses.
§ 47-1378. Final order.
§ 47-1379. Reopening judgments.
§ 47-1380. Judgment setting aside sale.
§ 47-1381. Judgment bars redemption only in real property described therein.
§ 47-1382. Purchaser's deed; payment; compliance with terms of judgment as to payments.
§ 47-1383. Obtaining possession.
§ 47-1384. Construction of chapter.
§ 47-1385. Transition provisions; applicability of chapter.