• Current through October 23, 2012

Whenever any person shall deposit money with the Collector for the purpose of procuring a license, and said license shall have been subsequently refused by legal authority, it shall be the duty of the Collector to refund the money so deposited, deducting therefrom an amount justly proportionate to the time during which such license shall have been used by the applicant therefor, or his representatives, and charge the amount so refunded to the fund which was credited with the original deposit.

(Leg. Assem., Jan. 19, 1872, ch. 31, § 2; enacted, Apr. 9, 1997, D.C. Law 11-254, § 2, 44 DCR 1575.)


Prior Codifications

1981 Ed., § 47-1318.

1973 Ed., § 47-1017.

Miscellaneous Notes

Office of Collector of Taxes abolished: See Historical and Statutory Notes following § 47-401.