Chapter 10. Nursing Homes and Community Residence Facilities Protections.

Subchapter I. Definitions. Back to Top
§ 44-1001.01. Definitions.
Subchapter II. Receiverships. Back to Top
§ 44-1002.01. Purpose of receivership.
§ 44-1002.02. Grounds for receivership.
§ 44-1002.03. Petitions for receivership.
§ 44-1002.04. Notice and hearing requirements; ex parte appointment.
§ 44-1002.05. Appointment of receiver; continuation of ex parte appointment.
§ 44-1002.06. Powers and duties of receiver.
§ 44-1002.07. Termination of receivership.
§ 44-1002.08. Final accounting.
§ 44-1002.09. Special fund or account.
§ 44-1002.10. Appointment of court monitor.
Subchapter III. Discharge, Transfer, and Relocation of Residents. Back to Top
§ 44-1003.01. Grounds for involuntary discharge, transfer, or relocation by facility.
§ 44-1003.02. Notice to resident and resident's representative.
§ 44-1003.03. Hearing.
§ 44-1003.04. Discussion and counseling.
§ 44-1003.05. Grounds for transfer or discharge by Mayor.
§ 44-1003.06. Notice to facility owner or administrator; informal conference.
§ 44-1003.07. Notice to resident and resident's representative; informal conference.
§ 44-1003.08. Emergency transfer or discharge by Mayor.
§ 44-1003.09. Hearing to review Mayor's decision to transfer or discharge.
§ 44-1003.10. Transfer and discharge planning and assistance.
§ 44-1003.11. Notice of adverse action or voluntary facility closure.
§ 44-1003.12. Exemption.
§ 44-1003.13. Judicial review.
Subchapter IV. Private Rights of Action. Back to Top
§ 44-1004.01. Injunctive relief.
§ 44-1004.02. Mandamus.
§ 44-1004.03. Civil action for damages.
§ 44-1004.04. Court costs and attorney's fees.
§ 44-1004.05. Rights independent and nonwaivable.
Subchapter V. Miscellaneous. Back to Top
§ 44-1005.01. Rules.
§ 44-1005.02. Privatization contracts, leases, provider agreements, and procedures requirements.[Repealed]