• Current through October 23, 2012

(Apr. 20, 1906, 34 Stat. 123, ch. 1641, § 2; Feb. 22, 1921, 41 Stat. 1144, ch. 70, § 7; June 28, 1944, 58 Stat. 533, ch. 300, § 18; Dec. 4, 1967, 81 Stat. 532, Pub. L. 90-173, § 1; 1973 Ed., § 27-130; Oct. 19, 2000, D.C. Law 13- 172, § 2919(c), 47 DCR 6308.)


Prior Codifications

1981 Ed., § 27-130.

1973 Ed., § 27-130.

Emergency Act Amendments

For temporary (90 day) amendment of section, see § 2919(c) of the Fiscal Year 2001 Budget Support Congressional Review Emergency Act of 2000 (D.C. Act 13- 438, October 20, 2000, 47 DCR 8740).

Legislative History of Laws

For Law 13-172, see notes following § 43-129.