Chapter 17. Real Estate Brokers' Duties.

Subchapter I. General. Back to Top
§ 42-1701. Purposes.
§ 42-1702. Definitions.
§ 42-1703. Duties of real estate brokers, salespersons, and property managers.
§ 42-1704. Escrow accounts.
§ 42-1705. Written listing contract required.
§ 42-1706. Establishment of Real Estate Guaranty and Education Fund; Mayor to determine sum for deposit into Fund.
§ 42-1707. Applications for payments from Fund; maximum payment; management of Fund.
§ 42-1708. Additional criminal penalties.
§ 42-1709. Savings clause.
Subchapter II. Repealed Provisions. Back to Top
§§ 42-1721 to 42-1738. Acting as broker or salesman without license unlawful; definitions; exceptions to license requirements; single act may constitute one "broker" or "salesman;" applicability of chapter; Real Estate Commission; creation; membership; terms; officers and staff; seal; records; compensation; annual audit; rules and regulations; license; qualifications; competency and proof thereof; prohibitions on license issuance; written application; brokers and salesmen; recommendations; firms, partnerships, etc., and members thereof; oath; fee; bond and surety; other proof of character; hearing before refusal to issue; form and contents; display; rehearing within 6 months; notice to licensee; fees; expiration; renewal; actions for compensation for service or for enforcement of contracts; places of business; discharged or terminated salesmen; transferability; suspension or revocation; investigation upon complaint; prohibited acts; hearing by Commission before denial of application or suspension; written notice; procedure; court review of determination; copy of record; provisions applicable to nonresident brokers and salesmen; members of Commission authorized to administer oaths; court to enforce compliance with Commission; exemptions from license requirements; limitation on exemptions; list of licenses, suspensions, and revocations and report of Commission to be published annually; unlawful acts; .[Repealed]
§ 42-1739. Real Estate Commission of the District of Columbia.[Repealed]
§ 42-1740. Powers and duties of Mayor; evidentiary use of copies of Commission documents; record of Commission proceedings.[Repealed]
§ 42-1741. Fees.[Repealed]
§ 42-1742. Licensure of real estate brokers, real estate salespersons, and property managers.[Repealed]
§ 42-1743. Qualifications for licensure.[Repealed]
§ 42-1744. Status of person previously licensed.[Repealed]
§ 42-1745. Licensure required for property managers.[Repealed]
§ 42-1746. Registration and certification required for resident managers.[Repealed]
§ 42-1747. Qualifications for licensure of property managers.[Repealed]
§ 42-1748. Waiver of examination and education requirements for property managers.[Repealed]
§ 42-1749. Exemptions.[Repealed]
§ 42-1750. Transfer of license;  change of status;  brokerage firms.[Repealed]
§ 42-1751. Licensure of legal entities.[Repealed]
§ 42-1752. Place of business.[Repealed]
§ 42-1753. Prohibited names.[Repealed]
§ 42-1754. Injunctions.[Repealed]
§ 42-1755. Investigation of conduct; suspension or revocation of license; grounds; penalty in lieu of suspension; probationary period; reinstatement.[Repealed]
§ 42-1756. Procedural requirements.[Repealed]
§ 42-1757. Automatic suspension of license through affiliation; discharge or termination of employment or affiliation.[Repealed]
§ 42-1758. Prohibited acts.[Repealed]
§ 42-1759. License suspended upon criminal conviction.[Repealed]
§ 42-1760. Effect of criminal conviction upon license application.[Repealed]
§ 42-1761. Effect of license revocation or suspension upon partnership, association, or corporation.[Repealed]
§ 42-1762. Suspension or revocation of property manager license; code of ethics applicable to all licensees.[Repealed]
§ 42-1763. Criminal penalties; prosecutions.[Repealed]
§ 42-1764. Duties of Corporation Counsel.[Repealed]