Chapter 1. Disposition of Unclaimed Property.

§ 41-101. Findings; purpose.
§ 41-102. Definitions.
§ 41-103. Property presumed abandoned.
§ 41-104. General rules for taking custody of unclaimed intangible property.
§ 41-105. Conditions precedent to presumption of abandonment of traveler's checks and money orders.
§ 41-106. Bank deposits and funds in financial organizations.
§ 41-107. Funds owing under life insurance policies.
§ 41-107.01. Property distributable in the course of a demutualization, rehabilitation, or related reorganization of an insurance company.
§ 41-108. Deposits and refunds held by utilities.
§ 41-109. Stock and other intangible interests in business associations.
§ 41-110. Property of business associations and banking or financial organizations held in course of dissolution.
§ 41-111. Property held by fiduciaries.
§ 41-112. Property held by public officers and agencies.
§ 41-113. Employee benefit trust distributions.
§ 41-114. Gift certificates and credit memos.
§ 41-115. Contents of safe deposit box or other safekeeping repository.
§ 41-116. Unpaid wages or other compensation.
§ 41-117. Report of property presumed abandoned.
§ 41-118. Notice of abandoned property.
§ 41-119. Payment or delivery of abandoned property.
§ 41-120. Custody by the District government; holder relieved from liability; payment of safe deposit box or repository charges; reimbursement of holder paying claim; reclaiming by owner.
§ 41-121. Crediting of dividends, interest, or increments to owner's account.
§ 41-122. Sale of abandoned property.
§ 41-123. Deposit of funds.
§ 41-124. Filing of claim with Mayor for abandoned property.
§ 41-125. Determination of claims by Mayor.
§ 41-126. Claim of state to recover property.
§ 41-127. Judicial review of Mayor's decision.
§ 41-128. Election to take payment or delivery.
§ 41-129. Periods of limitation.
§ 41-130. Verified reports; examination of records; subpoenas.
§ 41-131. Confidentiality.
§ 41-132. Retention of records.
§ 41-133. Action to compel delivery of abandoned property.
§ 41-134. Reciprocal actions and agreements.
§ 41-135. Interest and penalties.
§ 41-136. Enforcement.
§ 41-137. Agreement to locate property.
§ 41-138. Rules and regulations.
§ 41-139. Appropriations.
§ 41-140. Severability.
§ 41-141. Uniformity of application and construction.
§ 41-141.01. Unclaimed deposits for excavation work in public space.
§ 41-142. Retroactivity of chapter.

Refs & Annos

Effective Date
Statutory Citation
1986, c. 133
AS 34.45.110 to 34.45.780.
1987, c. 274
West's C.R.S.A. §§ 38-13-101 to 38-13-134.
District of Columbia
1981, D.C.Law 3-160
D.C. Official Code, 2001 Ed. §§ 41-101 to 41-142.
1987, c. 87-105
West's F.S.A. §§ 717.001 to 717.1401.
1990, p. 1506
O.C.G.A. §§ 44-12-190 to 44-12-236.
1983, c. 209
I.C. §§ 14-501 to 14-543.
1967, c. 391
I.C.A. §§ 556.1 to 556.29.
Maryland [FN2]
1966, c. 611
Code, Commercial Law, §§ 17-101 to 17-326.
1995, P.A. 29
M.C.L.A. §§ 567.221 to 567.265.
Minnesota [FN3]
1969, c. 725
M.S.A. §§ 345.31 to 345.60.
New Hampshire
1986, c. 204.1
RSA 471-C:1 to 471-C:43.
New Jersey
1989, c. 58
N.J.S.A. §§ 46:30B-1 to 46:30B-109.
North Dakota
1985, c. 510
NDCC 47-30.1-01 to 47-30.1-38.
1991, c. 331
60 Okl.St.Ann. §§ 651 to 688.
Oregon [FN4]
1957, c. 670
ORS 98.302 to 98.436.
Rhode Island
P.L.1986, c. 500
Gen.Laws 1956, §§ 33-21.1-1 to 33-21.1-41.
South Carolina
1988, Act No. 658, Pt. II, § 34A
Code 1976, §§ 27-18-10 to 27-18-400.
South Dakota
1992, c. 312
SDCL 43-41B-1 to 43-41B-38.
Tennessee [FN5]
1978, c. 561
T.C.A. §§ 66-29-101 to 66-29-138.
Utah [FN6]
1983, c. 164
U.C.A.1953, 67-4a-101 to 67-4a-902.
1984, c. 121
Code 1950, §§ 55-210.1 to 55-210.30.
1983, c. 179
West's RCWA 63.29.010 to 63.29.905.
1983, Act 408
W.S.A. 177.01 to 177.41.
1993, c. 213
Wyo.Stat.Ann. §§ 34-24-101 to 34-24-140.
[FN*] Date of approval.
[FN1] The Iowa act, as amended by L.1984, H.F. 2522, retains the basic format and many of the provisions of the Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act of 1966, but now also contains many of the major provisions of the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act of 1981. Accordingly, the citation of the Iowa act is set forth in the tables for both acts.
[FN2] The Maryland act, as amended by L.1985, c. 602, retains the basic format and many of the provisions of the Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act of 1954, but now also contains certain provisions of the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act of 1981. Accordingly, the citation of the Maryland act is set forth in the table for both acts.
[FN3] The Minnesota act, as amended, retains the basic format and many of the provisions of the Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act of 1966, but now also contains many of the major provisions of the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act of 1981. Accordingly, the citation of the Minnesota act is set forth in the tables for both acts.
[FN4] The Oregon act, as amended by L.1983, c. 716, now contains the basic format and many of the provisions of the Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act of 1966, but now also contains many of the major provisions of the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act of 1981. Accordingly, the citation of the Oregon act is set forth in the tables for both acts.
[FN5] The Tennessee act, as amended by L.1984, c. 544, retains the basic format and many of the provisions of the Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act of 1966, but now also contains many of the provisions of the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act of 1981. Accordingly, the citation of the Tennessee act is set forth in tables for both acts.
[FN6] Original 1983 adoption repealed in 1995. New provisions enacted in 1995 substantially retaining major provisions of Uniform Act.