Chapter 2. Public Assistance.

Subchapter I. Definitions. Back to Top
§ 4-201.01. Definitions.
Subchapter II. Establishment of Programs; Administration of Chapter. Back to Top
§ 4-202.01. Public assistance categories established.
§ 4-202.01a. Termination of General Public Assistance.
§ 4-202.02. Administrative duties of Mayor.
§ 4-202.03. Mayor authorized to delegate functions.
§ 4-202.04. Council to adopt rules.[Repealed]
§ 4-202.05. Mayor to issue rules.
Subchapter III. Crisis Management of Children. Back to Top
§ 4-203.01. Definitions.
§ 4-203.02. Assignment to public institution by Department.
§ 4-203.03. Maintenance in public institution by Mayor.
§ 4-203.04. Assignment to public institution by Mayor.
Subchapter IV. Medicaid Program Administration. Back to Top
Part A. General.
§ 4-204.01. Monthly amount of income disregarded.[Repealed]
§ 4-204.02. Amount of federal payment disregarded.[Repealed]
§ 4-204.03. Ability of responsible relatives to contribute.[Repealed]
§ 4-204.04. Amount of training incentive payment disregarded.[Repealed]
§ 4-204.05. Medicaid benefits.
§ 4-204.05a. Extension of transitional Medicaid program.
§ 4-204.06. District supplement for Supplemental Security Income recipients.[Repealed]
§ 4-204.07. Interim Disability Assistance.
§ 4-204.08. Pilot program for Interim Disability Assistance.
§ 4-204.09. Interim Disability Assistance Fund.
Part B. Office of Medicaid Operations Reform.
§ 4-204.11. Short title.
§ 4-204.12. Definitions.
§ 4-204.13. Establishment of the Office of Medicaid Operations Reform.
§ 4-204.14. Purposes, powers, and duties of the Office.
§ 4-204.15. Rules.
§ 4-204.16. Applicability.
Part C. Medicaid and Special Education Reform Fund.
§ 4-204.51. Short title.
§ 4-204.52. Definitions.
§ 4-204.53. Establishment of the Medicaid and Special Education Reform Fund.
§ 4-204.54. Purposes of the Fund.
§ 4-204.55. Distribution of funds.
§ 4-204.56. Annual report.
Part D. Nursing Facilities Medicaid Reimbursement.
§ 4-204.61. Definitions.
§ 4-204.62. Medicaid reimbursement system for nursing facilities.
Subchapter V. Public Assistance Programs. Back to Top
§ 4-205.01. Eligibility for public assistance.
§ 4-205.02. Residency requirement.
§ 4-205.03. Determination of residency.
§ 4-205.04. Relocation of recipients to another jurisdiction.
§ 4-205.05. Definitions.
§ 4-205.05a. General Assistance for Children program.
§ 4-205.06. Old Age Assistance and Aid to the Permanently and Totally Disabled need determination.[Repealed]
§ 4-205.07. Aid to the Blind need determination.[Repealed]
§ 4-205.08. GPA need determination.[Repealed]
§ 4-205.09. AB and ATD self-supporting plans.[Repealed]
§ 4-205.10. TANF income eligibility standards.
§ 4-205.11. TANF need determination.
§ 4-205.11a. Time limit for receipt of TANF benefits.
§ 4-205.11b. Reduction of benefits for long-term TANF recipients.
§ 4-205.11c. Human impact statement.
§ 4-205.12. Food stamp coupon allotment disregarded.[Repealed]
§ 4-205.13. Enumerated income disregarded.[Repealed]
§ 4-205.13a. Treatment of payment for costs of work participation.
§ 4-205.14. Determination of GPA need standard.[Repealed]
§ 4-205.15. Standards for inclusion in TANF assistance unit.
§ 4-205.16. Contribution guidelines for nonassistance unit children.[Repealed]
§ 4-205.17. Definitions.[Repealed]
§ 4-205.18. Child's eligibility.
§ 4-205.19. Application; assignment of rights for child support.
§ 4-205.19a. Redetermination of eligibility.
§ 4-205.19b. Job search and job readiness requirements for TANF applicants.
§ 4-205.19c. Failure to comply with job search and job readiness requirements for TANF applicants.
§ 4-205.19d. Work participation requirements for TANF recipients.
§ 4-205.19e. Failure to comply with work requirements for TANF recipients.
§ 4-205.19f. Sanctions.
§ 4-205.19g. Exemptions.
§ 4-205.19h. Administration of job search, job readiness, work, and self-sufficiency activities.
§ 4-205.19i. Nondiscrimination against TANF and POWER applicants and recipients.
§ 4-205.19j. Health and safety standards for TANF and POWER recipients.
§ 4-205.19k. Workers' compensation for TANF recipients.
§ 4-205.19l. Nondisplacement by TANF recipients.
§ 4-205.19m. Reporting requirements.
§ 4-205.19n. Family assessment plan.
§ 4-205.20. Parental absence by reason of imprisonment.
§ 4-205.21. Eligibility standards for children of unemployed parents.
§ 4-205.22. Availability of stepparent.
§ 4-205.23. Obligations of custodial relatives other than parents.
§ 4-205.24. Eligibility requirements for alien children.
§ 4-205.25. Eligibility determined prospectively.
§ 4-205.26. Procedure for public and medical assistance application.
§ 4-205.27. Failure to determine eligibility within time requirement.
§ 4-205.28. Income application in determining need for family receiving more than 1 assistance payment.
§ 4-205.29. Income status of loans and grants.
§ 4-205.30. Definitions.
§ 4-205.31. Application for benefits required.
§ 4-205.32. Establishment of net payment received.
§ 4-205.33. Treatment of lump-sum payments and settlements.
§ 4-205.34. Treatment of accrued statutory benefits.[Repealed]
§ 4-205.35. Failure of recipients to report promptly.[Repealed]
§ 4-205.36. Work incentive allowances disregarded.
§ 4-205.37. Standard for income and resource determination.
§ 4-205.38. Availability of income and resources.
§ 4-205.39. Earned income.
§ 4-205.40. Resources in kind.
§ 4-205.41. Emergency applicant may retain automobile.
§ 4-205.42. Definitions relating to incapacity and disability.
§ 4-205.42a. Eligibility for General Public Assistance.[Repealed]
§ 4-205.43. Participation in labor dispute; pregnancy.
§ 4-205.44. Amount.[Repealed]
§ 4-205.45. Standard for requirements exceptions.[Repealed]
§ 4-205.46. Meal standard.[Repealed]
§ 4-205.47. Nursing care standard.
§ 4-205.48. Standards of assistance adopted and applied.
§ 4-205.49. Special living arrangements.
§ 4-205.50. Costs of training and employment.
§ 4-205.51. Denial of monthly benefits.
§ 4-205.51a. TANF Universal Service Delivery Model.
§ 4-205.51b. Annual comparative review.
§ 4-205.52. Determination of amount of public assistance payments for assistance unit; standards of assistance enumerated.
§ 4-205.53. Reconsideration of grants; modification of amount; duty of recipient to notify Mayor of change of circumstances; grants under General Public Assistance Program for Unemployables.
§ 4-205.54. TANF assistance unit monthly report.
§ 4-205.55. Timely and adequate notice of action to discontinue, etc., assistance.
§ 4-205.56. Information from source other than recipient.
§ 4-205.57. Consequences of failure to request hearing or submit additional information to clarify eligibility.
§ 4-205.58. Consideration of additional information.
§ 4-205.59. Effect of pending hearing.
§ 4-205.60. Benefits pending hearing.[Repealed]
§ 4-205.61. Definitions.
§ 4-205.62. Establishment of a Demonstration Project.[Repealed]
§ 4-205.63. Eligibility for public assistance; home living requirement.
§ 4-205.64. Failure to meet home living requirement; notice.
§ 4-205.65. Eligibility for public assistance; learnfare.
§ 4-205.66. Failure to meet school attendance requirements; notice.
§ 4-205.67. Expansion of Jobs Opportunities and Basic Skills and Alternative Work Experience Programs.[Repealed]
§ 4-205.68. Duties of the Mayor.[Repealed]
§ 4-205.69. Denial of assistance for fraudulent misrepresentation of residency.
§ 4-205.70. Denial of assistance for fugitive felons and probation and parole violators.
§ 4-205.71. Granting TANF benefits to drug felons.
§ 4-205.72. POWER--Establishment; eligibility.
§ 4-205.72a. Power --Additional eligibility.
§ 4-205.73. POWER--Application.
§ 4-205.74. POWER--Medical review.
§ 4-205.75. POWER--Redetermination of eligibility.
§ 4-205.76. POWER--Participation in activities to assist in achieving self-sufficiency.
§ 4-205.77. POWER--Failure to participate in self-sufficiency activities.
§ 4-205.78. POWER--Amount of assistance.
§ 4-205.79. POWER--No creation of an entitlement.
§ 4-205.80. POWER--Medicaid eligibility.
§ 4-205.81. Diversion payments.
§ 4-205.82. Provision of information concerning the Earned Income Credit.
Subchapter VI. Emergency Public Assistance. Back to Top
§ 4-206.01. Authorized; limitation.[Repealed]
§ 4-206.02. Crisis Assistance and Service Program.
§ 4-206.03. Emergency Shelter Family Services Program.[Repealed]
§ 4-206.04. Family Emergency Services Program.
§ 4-206.05. Emergency shelter allowances.
Subchapter VII. Complementary Program Relationships with Public Assistance Programs. Back to Top
§ 4-207.01. Policy.[Repealed]
§ 4-207.02. Authority to establish.[Repealed]
§ 4-207.03. Rules.[Repealed]
§ 4-207.04. Appropriations.[Repealed]
Subchapter VIII. Award; Method of Payment. Back to Top
§ 4-208.01. Determination by Mayor; method of payment.
§ 4-208.02. Supplemental payments.
§ 4-208.03. Underpayment corrections.
§ 4-208.04. Amount of assistance payable.
§ 4-208.05. Repayment by GPA recipient.
Subchapter IX. Investigation of Applicants; Issuance of Identification Card; Check Distribution. Back to Top
§ 4-209.01. Investigation of applicants; issuance of identification cards; distribution of checks.
§ 4-209.02. Adverse action not permitted for refusal to allow entry into home or permit inspection thereof.[Repealed]
§ 4-209.03. Notification of adverse action not permitted.[Repealed]
§ 4-209.04. Confidentiality of information.
Subchapter X. Hearing Procedures. Back to Top
§ 4-210.01. Right to hearing; notification of right.
§ 4-210.02. Grounds; objectives of hearing process.
§ 4-210.03. Hearing officers.
§ 4-210.04. Notification of right to request hearing and method of making request.
§ 4-210.05. Request for hearing.
§ 4-210.06. Hearing involving medical issues.
§ 4-210.07. Procedures for administrative review of request.
§ 4-210.08. Time, date, and place of hearing.
§ 4-210.09. Time limit on requests.
§ 4-210.10. Hearing procedure enumerated.
§ 4-210.11. Findings, conclusions, and recommendations by hearing officer.
§ 4-210.12. Final decision by Mayor's agent.
§ 4-210.13. Notification of decision and right to judicial review.
§ 4-210.14. Right to request hearing while absent from District.
§ 4-210.15. File of hearing decisions.
§ 4-210.16. Class action permitted; correction or change in policy, construction, or interpretation.
§ 4-210.17. Confidentiality.
§ 4-210.18. Notice provisions of § 4-205.54 applicable.
§ 4-210.19. Assistance received during pendency of decision.
Subchapter XI. Miscellaneous Provisions Relating to Specific Payments. Back to Top
§ 4-211.01. Home repairs--Run-down premises.
§ 4-211.02. Home repairs--Protection of District interest.[Repealed]
§ 4-211.03. Home repairs--Federal financial participation.[Repealed]
§ 4-211.04. Moving costs permitted.
§ 4-211.05. Authorization of payment for moving costs.
§ 4-211.06. Prompt payment of disregarded sum.[Repealed]
Subchapter XII. Payments to Incapacitated Individuals. Back to Top
§ 4-212.01. Payment to incapacitated recipient.
§ 4-212.02. Protective or vendor payments on behalf of dependent children.
§ 4-212.03. Protective payments on behalf of adult recipients.
Subchapter XIII. Actions for Support from Responsible Relatives. Back to Top
§ 4-213.01. Action for support.
§ 4-213.02. Income scale exemptions.[Repealed]
§ 4-213.03. Basis for computation of contribution.[Repealed]
§ 4-213.04. Dependents defined.[Repealed]
§ 4-213.05. Noncompliance by relative.
§ 4-213.06. Verification of ability to contribute.
Subchapter XIV. District Claims of Support from Estates; Funeral Expenses. Back to Top
§ 4-214.01. Claim of District against estate of recipient; lien in favor of District; payment of share to United States.
§ 4-214.02. Funeral expenses--Payment permitted.[Repealed]
§ 4-214.03. Funeral expenses--Indigent residents; wards of District.
§ 4-214.04. Funeral allowance.
Subchapter XV. Assignment of Public Assistance Prohibited. Back to Top
§ 4-215.01. Prohibition; immunity from legal process.
Subchapter XVI. Record Keeping Requirements. Back to Top
§ 4-216.01. Mayor to prescribe regulations.
Subchapter XVII. Foster Care. Back to Top
§ 4-217.01. Requirements for benefits.
§ 4-217.02. Types of placement.
§ 4-217.03. Administration of benefits.
§ 4-217.04. Federal financial participation.
§ 4-217.05. Determination of need.
§ 4-217.06. Monies applied to purchase of essential article.[Repealed]
§ 4-217.07. Condition of eligibility--Social Security number; assignment of support rights.
§ 4-217.08. Condition of eligibility--Cooperation in identifying and locating parents, establishing paternity, obtaining support payments, and other payments.
§ 4-217.09. Condition of eligibility--Exception to cooperation.
§ 4-217.10. Condition of eligibility--Effect of failure to comply.
§ 4-217.11. Condition of eligibility--Protective or vendor payments.
Subchapter XVIII. Criminal Provisions. Back to Top
§ 4-218.01. Fraud in obtaining public assistance; repayment; liability of family members; penalties.
§ 4-218.02. Penalty for violation of § 4-218.01(b); prosecutions.
§ 4-218.03. Unauthorized use of identification card.
§ 4-218.04. Prosecutions; subpoenas; witness fees; perjury; compulsion of obedience to subpoena; oaths.
§ 4-218.05. Penalties.
§ 4-218.06. Suspension, revocation, or denial of a business license or permit.
Subchapter XIX. Appropriations. Back to Top
§ 4-219.01. Authorization.
§ 4-219.02. Disbursement of expenses.[Repealed]
Subchapter XX. Nonrevival of Previously Repealed or Superseded Public Enactments; Nonabatement of Causes of Action. Back to Top
§ 4-220.01. Nonrevival of previously repealed or superseded laws, acts, regulations, Commissioner's orders, Commissioners' orders, and administrative orders; effect of amendments.
§ 4-220.02. Nonabatement of causes of action.
§ 4-220.03. No new rights or entitlements created; exception.
Subchapter XXI. Severability. Back to Top
§ 4-221.01. Severability.