Chapter 3. Retail Service Stations.

Subchapter I. Definitions. Back to Top
§ 36-301.01. Definitions.
Subchapter II. Operation of Retail Service Stations. Back to Top
§ 36-302.01. Registration of intent to sell.
§ 36-302.02. Restrictions on operation.
§ 36-302.03. Nondiscrimination required of wholesalers.
§ 36-302.04. Exemption from enforcement of § 36-302.02; regulations; reports.
§ 36-302.05. Violations; notice, order, injunction, and penalties.
Subchapter II-A. Security at Retail Service Stations. Back to Top
§ 36-302.21. Security requirements for retail service stations.
§ 36-302.22. Retail service station security public service announcement.
Subchapter III. Marketing Agreements. Back to Top
§ 36-303.01. Nonwaiverable conditions; conditions affecting marketing agreements.
§ 36-303.02. Disclosures to prospective retail dealers.
§ 36-303.03. Termination, cancellation, and failure to renew.
§ 36-303.04. Retail dealer's remedies.
§ 36-303.05. Sale, assignment, or other transfer of a marketing agreement.
§ 36-303.06. Civil actions.
§ 36-303.07. Application of subchapter.
Subchapter IV. Moratorium on Conversions to Limited Service Retail Service Stations. Back to Top
§ 36-304.01. Prohibition on conversions.
Subchapter IV-A. Franchisee Purchase Rights.[Expired] Back to Top
§ 36-304.11. Definitions.[Expired]
§ 36-304.12. Franchisee's right of first refusal.[Expired]
§ 36-304.13. Duty of good faith in negotiating lease terms.[Expired]
§ 36-304.14. Remedy for violation of subchapter.[Expired]
§ 36-304.15. Applicability.[Expired]
Subchapter V. General Provisions. Back to Top
§ 36-305.01. Statement of public policy.
§ 36-305.02. Severability.