Chapter 12. Cable Television.

Subchapter I. Cable Television, 1981. Back to Top
§ 34-1201. Legislative purposes.[Repealed]
§ 34-1202. Definitions; rules of construction.[Repealed]
§ 34-1202.01. Council authorized to grant franchise; franchise required; condition and term of franchise.[Repealed]
§ 34-1203. Establishment of the District of Columbia Cable Television Advisory Committee.[Repealed]
§ 34-1204. Duties of the Advisory Committee.[Repealed]
§ 34-1205. Establishment of Office of Cable Television and Telecommunications; appointment of Executive Director.[Repealed]
§ 34-1206. Powers and responsibilities of Office.[Repealed]
§ 34-1207. Duties of Executive Director.[Repealed]
§ 34-1207.01. Cable Television special account.[Repealed]
§ 34-1208. Powers of Public Service Commission.[Repealed]
§ 34-1209. Mandatory provisions of request for proposal.[Repealed]
§ 34-1210. Submission of applications.[Repealed]
§ 34-1211. Grant of authority.[Repealed]
§ 34-1212. Evaluation of applications.[Repealed]
§ 34-1213. Submission of proposed franchise agreement.[Repealed]
§ 34-1213.01. Grant of franchises.[Repealed]
§ 34-1214. Amendment of franchise agreement.[Repealed]
§ 34-1215. Franchise revocation procedure.[Repealed]
§ 34-1216. Franchise renewal procedure.[Repealed]
§ 34-1217. Termination of franchise;  forced purchase by the District.[Repealed]
§ 34-1218. Arbitrary and capricious discontinuance of service by franchisee.[Repealed]
§ 34-1219. Arbitration panel.[Repealed]
§ 34-1220. Transfer of ownership to other than District.[Repealed]
§ 34-1221. Transfer of ownership to District.[Repealed]
§ 34-1222. District's right to assign.[Repealed]
§ 34-1223. Franchisee's obligation as trustee.[Repealed]
§ 34-1224. Annual franchise fee; quarterly and annual reports; audit; financial statement.[Repealed]
§ 34-1225. Insurance;  performance bond;  indemnification of District.[Repealed]
§ 34-1226. Rates and service offerings.[Repealed]
§ 34-1226.01. Subscriber fees.[Repealed]
§ 34-1226.02. Rate regulation.[Repealed]
§ 34-1227. Inspection of books and records; filing and posting certain enumerated documents.[Repealed]
§ 34-1228. Capability requirements.[Repealed]
§ 34-1229. Public Access Corporation.[Repealed]
§ 34-1229.01. Public access.[Repealed]
§ 34-1230. Operational requirements.[Repealed]
§ 34-1231. Performance monitoring.[Repealed]
§ 34-1232. Maintenance service; complaint procedure; interruption of service; customer service standards.[Repealed]
§ 34-1233. Installation of facilities.[Repealed]
§ 34-1234. Construction and service schedules; maps.[Repealed]
§ 34-1235. Violations subject to penalties.[Repealed]
§ 34-1236. Limits on franchisee's recourse.[Repealed]
§ 34-1237. Compliance not excused by failure to enforce franchise.[Repealed]
§ 34-1238. Effect of specific time for performance.[Repealed]
§ 34-1239. Rights reserved to District.[Repealed]
§ 34-1240. Franchisee not to discriminate.[Repealed]
§ 34-1241. Affirmative action requirements.[Repealed]
§ 34-1242. Minority contracting requirements.[Repealed]
§ 34-1243. Local hiring and subcontracting policy.[Repealed]
§ 34-1244. Restrictive easement;  unlawful attachment for access or use.[Repealed]
§ 34-1244.01. Landlord-tenant relationship.[Repealed]
§ 34-1245. Protection of privacy.[Repealed]
§ 34-1246. Costs.[Repealed]
§ 34-1247. Obscenity laws.[Repealed]
§ 34-1248. "Rent-a-citizen" practice discouraged.[Repealed]
§ 34-1248.01. Obtaining services without compensation unlawful.[Repealed]
§ 34-1249. Severability.[Repealed]
§ 34-1250. Civil penalties; prosecutions.[Repealed]
Subchapter II. Cable Television Reform, 2002. Back to Top
Part A. General Provisions.
§ 34-1251.01. Short title.
§ 34-1251.02. Findings and purposes.
§ 34-1251.03. Definitions.
§ 34-1251.04. Applicability to open video systems.
Part B. Office of Cable Television and Telecommunications.
§ 34-1252.01. Establishment of the Office of Cable Television and Telecommunications; executive director; general counsel.
§ 34-1252.02. Powers and responsibilities of the Office of Cable Television and Telecommunications.
§ 34-1252.03. Cable Television Special Account.
Part C. Other Cable Entities.
§ 34-1253.01. Cable Television Advisory Committee.
§ 34-1253.02. Public Access Corporation.
§ 34-1253.03. Public Service Commission regulation of the use of existing utility companies' rights-of-way.
Part D. Franchising and Re-Franchising Process.
§ 34-1254.01. Franchise and franchise agreement required.
§ 34-1254.02. Application for an initial franchise.
§ 34-1254.03. Evaluation of an initial franchise application.
§ 34-1254.04. Negotiation of an initial franchise agreement.
§ 34-1254.05. Minimum contents of franchise agreement.
§ 34-1254.06. Procedure for Council review and approval of initial franchise.
§ 34-1254.07. Franchise renewal; commencement under federal cable act.
§ 34-1254.08. Franchise review prior to expiration.
Part E. Transfer of Revocation of Franchise.
§ 34-1255.01. Approval required for transfer of franchise to a person other than the District.
§ 34-1255.02. Procedure for transfer of franchise to a person other than the District.
§ 34-1255.03. Mandatory transfer of franchise to the District; general requirement.
§ 34-1255.04. Revocation of franchise; mandatory transfer to the District.
§ 34-1255.05. Transfer or purchase of franchise after denial of renewal.
§ 34-1255.06. Cable operator as trustee.
§ 34-1255.07. Arbitration.
Part F. Required Payments; Insurance and Indemnification.
§ 34-1256.01. Franchise fee.
§ 34-1256.02. Security fund.
§ 34-1256.03. Indemnification of the District.
§ 34-1256.04. Insurance.
§ 34-1256.05. Performance bond.
Part G. Construction and Operation of the Cable System.
§ 34-1257.01. Jurisdictional parity.
§ 34-1257.02. Operation and construction of system; general requirements.
§ 34-1257.03. Construction schedule.
§ 34-1257.04. Construction of facility.
§ 34-1257.05. Construction notice to the public.
§ 34-1257.06. Use of cable system by the District during emergencies and disasters.
Part H. Public, Educational, and Government Channels.
§ 34-1258.01. PEG channels; carriage requirements.
§ 34-1258.02. Funding for PEG channels.
§ 34-1258.03. Allocation of PEG channels.
Part I. Regulation, Oversight, and Inspection of Cable System and Records.
§ 34-1259.01. Right to inspection.
§ 34-1259.02. Test and performance monitoring.
§ 34-1259.03. Periodic evaluations; performance hearings.
§ 34-1259.04. Provision of information; retention of records.
§ 34-1259.05. Inspection of records.
§ 34-1259.06. Submission of correspondence by cable operator.
§ 34-1259.07. Rate and service regulation.
§ 34-1259.08. Subscriber fees.
§ 34-1259.09. Reports.
Part J. Consumer Protection.
§ 34-1260.01. Consumer protection.
§ 34-1260.02. Protection of privacy.
Part K. Competition and Customer Choice.
§ 34-1261.01. Landlord-tenant relationship.
Part L. Employment and Non-Discrimination.
§ 34-1262.01. Prohibition of discrimination.
§ 34-1262.02. Affirmative action.
§ 34-1262.03. Employment of District residents.
Part M. Compliance.
§ 34-1263.01. Compliance.
§ 34-1263.02. Specific performance.
§ 34-1263.03. Willful or repeated violations.
Part N. Miscellaneous Provisions.
§ 34-1264.01. Obscenity.
§ 34-1264.02. Cable theft.
§ 34-1264.03. Rights reserved to District.
§ 34-1264.04. Rules.
§ 34-1264.05. Transition provisions.