Chapter 7. Holding Companies.

Subchapter I. Holding Company System. Back to Top
§ 31-701. Definitions.
§ 31-702. Subsidiaries of insurers.
§ 31-703. Acquisition of control of or merger with domestic insurer.
§ 31-704. Acquisitions involving insurers not otherwise covered.
§ 31-705. Registration of insurers.
§ 31-706. Standards and management of an insurer within a holding company system.
§ 31-707. Examination.
§ 31-708. Confidential treatment.
§ 31-709. Injunctions, prohibitions against voting securities, sequestration of voting securities.
§ 31-710. Sanctions.
§ 31-711. Receivership.
§ 31-712. Recovery.
§ 31-713. Revocation, suspension, or nonrenewal of insurer's license.
§ 31-714. Judicial review; mandamus.
Subchapter II. Mutual Holding Companies. Back to Top
§ 31-731. Formation of a mutual holding company.
§ 31-732. Merger of policyholder membership interests.
§ 31-733. Incorporation of holding company; amendment of articles of incorporation.
§ 31-734. Insurers rehabilitation and liquidation.
§ 31-735. Applicability; membership interest; powers.
§ 31-736. Failure to give notice.
§ 31-737. Limitations of actions.
§ 31-737.01. Mergers and acquisitions.
§ 31-738. Rulemaking.
Subchapter III. Reciprocal Insurance Company Conversion. Back to Top
§ 31-751. Definitions.
§ 31-752. Formation of a mutual insurance holding company from a reciprocal insurance company.
§ 31-753. Merger of policyholder membership interests.
§ 31-754. Incorporation of holding company.
§ 31-755. Insurers rehabilitation and liquidation.
§ 31-756. Applicability; membership interest; powers.
§ 31-757. Failure to give notice.
§ 31-758. Limitations of actions.
§ 31-759. Conversion of mutual insurance holding company.
§ 31-760. Rulemaking.

Refs & Annos


Editor's Notes

Because of the enactment by D.C. Law 11-159 of subchapter II of Chapter 37 of Title 35 [subchapter II of Title 31, 2001 Ed.], the preexisting text, including §§ 35-3701 through 35-3714 [§§ 31-701 through 31-714, 2001 Ed.], was designated as subchapter I.