Chapter 56. Securities.

Subchapter I. Definitions and Rules of Construction. Back to Top
§ 31-5601.01. Definitions.
§ 31-5601.02. Purpose and coordination with federal law.
Subchapter II. Broker-Dealers, Agents, Investment Advisers and Investment Adviser Representatives. Back to Top
§ 31-5602.01. Licensing of broker-dealer and agent.
§ 31-5602.02. Licensing of investment adviser and investment adviser representative.
§ 31-5602.03. License and notice filing procedure.
§ 31-5602.04. Post-licensing requirements.
§ 31-5602.05. Licensing of successor firms.
§ 31-5602.06. Power of inspection, examination and audit.
§ 31-5602.07. Grounds for denial, suspension, or revocation.
§ 31-5602.08. Denial, suspension, or revocation on grounds of lack of qualification.
§ 31-5602.09. Withdrawal.
§ 31-5602.10. Limited registration of Canadian broker-dealers and agents.
§ 31-5602.11. Continuing education.
Subchapter III. Registration of Securities. Back to Top
§ 31-5603.01. Registration requirement.
§ 31-5603.02. Registration by notification.
§ 31-5603.03. Registration by coordination.
§ 31-5603.04. Registration by qualification.
§ 31-5603.05. Offer and sale of an indefinite amount of securities.
§ 31-5603.06. Provisions applicable to registration generally.
§ 31-5603.07. Denial, suspension, and revocation of registration.
§ 31-5603.08. Federal covered securities.
§ 31-5603.09. Withdrawal and abandonment.
Subchapter IV. Exemption from Registration. Back to Top
§ 31-5604.01. Exempt securities.
§ 31-5604.02. Exempt transactions.
§ 31-5604.03. Additional exemptions.
§ 31-5604.04. Revocation of exemptions.
§ 31-5604.05. Filing of sales and advertising literature.
§ 31-5604.06. Coordination of exemptions.
Subchapter V. Fraudulent and Other Prohibited Practices. Back to Top
§ 31-5605.01. Unlicensed or unregistered activity.
§ 31-5605.02. Fraudulent transactions.
§ 31-5605.03. Manipulation of market.
§ 31-5605.04. Misleading filings.
§ 31-5605.05. Unlawful representations concerning licensing, registration, notice filing, or exemption.
Subchapter VI. Enforcement, Criminal, and Civil Liability. Back to Top
§ 31-5606.01. Investigation; subpoena power.
§ 31-5606.02. Enforcement--administrative.
§ 31-5606.03. Enforcement--judicial.
§ 31-5606.04. Criminal penalties.
§ 31-5606.05. Civil liability.
Subchapter VII. Administration. Back to Top
§ 31-5607.01. Administration of chapter.
§ 31-5607.02. Prohibitions on use of information.
§ 31-5607.03. Public information; confidentiality.
§ 31-5607.04. Cooperation with other agencies.
§ 31-5607.05. Rules, forms, and orders.
§ 31-5607.06. Consent to service of process.
§ 31-5607.07. Administrative files and records.
§ 31-5607.08. Provisions applicable to administrative proceedings.
§ 31-5607.09. Electronic filings.
Subchapter VIII. Miscellaneous Provisions. Back to Top
§ 31-5608.01. Scope of Chapter.
§ 31-5608.02. District of Columbia Securities Advisory Committee.
§ 31-5608.03. Judicial review.
§ 31-5608.04. Repeal and transition provisions.