Chapter 44. Domestic Life Companies.

§ 31-4401. Formation--Required contents of articles of incorporation.
§ 31-4402. Formation--Filing, notice and bond requirements.
§ 31-4403. Formation--Corporate powers during completion of organization; issuance of certificate of authority.
§ 31-4404. Formation--Authority to solicit stock subscriptions or insurance applications.
§ 31-4405. Formation--Disposition of sums paid upon stock subscriptions.
§ 31-4406. Formation--Examination of company; revocation and reinstatement of company's permit or agent's authority.
§ 31-4407. Formation--Time limitation for issuance of policies.
§ 31-4408. Minimum capital and surplus requirements.
§ 31-4409. Amendment of articles of incorporation.
§ 31-4410. Increase of capital stock.
§ 31-4411. Decrease of capital stock.
§ 31-4412. Liability of stockholders; rights of fiduciary stockholders and persons pledging stock.
§ 31-4413. Payments for capital stock.
§ 31-4414. Capital stock transfers.
§ 31-4415. Capital stock records.
§ 31-4416. Mutual companies--Corporations, boards, or associations as agents or members thereof.
§ 31-4417. Mutual companies--Requirements before doing business.
§ 31-4418. Reincorporation of existing corporations.
§ 31-4419. Conversion of stock companies into mutual life companies.
§ 31-4420. Applicability of provisions to existing corporations.
§ 31-4421. Directors--Annual election; qualifications; limitation on proxies.
§ 31-4422. Directors--Power to make bylaws.
§ 31-4423. Directors--General election procedure.
§ 31-4424. Directors--Cumulative voting in stock company election.
§ 31-4425. Voting powers under group policies.
§ 31-4426. Liability of directors.
§ 31-4427. Salaries to be authorized by directors.
§ 31-4428. Limitation of payments to stockholders and policyholders.
§ 31-4429. Election or appointment of officers; required security.
§ 31-4430. Officers and directors not to be pecuniarily interested in transactions.
§ 31-4431. Voting-trust agreements.
§ 31-4432. Maximum and contingent premiums of mutual companies.[Repealed]
§ 31-4433. Classification of risks and members, payment of dividends, and creation of surplus by mutual companies.
§ 31-4434. Power of mutual company to borrow or assume liability.
§ 31-4435. Investments and loans.[Repealed]
§ 31-4436. Domestic company real-estate holdings.[Repealed]
§ 31-4437. Reinsurance be domestic companies in authorized companies.[Repealed]
§ 31-4438. Reinsurance of risks.[Repealed]
§ 31-4439. Vouchers or affidavits as evidence of disbursements.
§ 31-4440. Manner of keeping books, records, accounts, and vouchers.
§ 31-4441. Acquisition of own capital stock.[Repealed]
§ 31-4442. Variable or modified guaranteed contracts.
§ 31-4443. Effect of merger or consolidation.
§ 31-4444. Procedure for merger of domestic companies.
§ 31-4445. Procedure for consolidating domestic companies.
§ 31-4446. Merger or consolidation of domestic and foreign companies.
§ 31-4447. Merger or consolidation--Approval by Mayor.
§ 31-4448. Merger or consolidation--Procedures before voting.
§ 31-4449. Merger or consolidation--Approval by shareholders.
§ 31-4450. Merger or consolidation--Rights of dissenting shareholders.
§ 31-4451. Articles of merger or consolidation.
§ 31-4452. Date merger or consolidation completed.