Chapter 25. Fire, Casualty, and Marine Insurance.

Subchapter I. Applicability; Definitions. Back to Top
§ 31-2501.01. Short title.
§ 31-2501.02. Applicability of chapter.
§ 31-2501.03. Definitions.
Subchapter II. Powers and Duties of the Commissioner. Back to Top
§ 31-2502.01. Records of Commissioner; rules and regulations.
§ 31-2502.02. Certificate of authority to do business--Issuance or renewal.
§ 31-2502.03. Certificate of authority to do business--Revocation or suspension.
§ 31-2502.04. Cessation of business.
§§ 31-2502.05 to 31-2502.07. Receivership proceedings; insolvency; impairment.[Repealed]
§ 31-2502.08. Required annual financial statements.[Repealed]
§ 31-2502.09. Making or publishing material false statements.
§ 31-2502.10. Examinations by Superintendent; violations; acceptance of reports in lieu of examinations.[Repealed]
§ 31-2502.11. Kinds of insurance authorized.
§ 31-2502.12. Limitations on exposure to risks or hazards.
§ 31-2502.13. Minimum capital and surplus requirements.
§ 31-2502.14. Applicability of provisions to existing companies.
§ 31-2502.15. Formation of domestic companies.
§ 31-2502.16. Acquisition, use and disposition of real estate by domestic companies.[Repealed]
§ 31-2502.17. Power of domestic mutual companies to borrow or assume liability.
§ 31-2502.18. Investment of funds by domestic companies.[Repealed]
§ 31-2502.19. Exclusive agency contracts of domestic companies.
§ 31-2502.20. Authority to transact business--Foreign or alien companies.
§ 31-2502.20a. Authority to transact business--Lloyd's organizations.
§ 31-2502.21. Procurement of certificate of authority by foreign or alien companies--Application forms.
§ 31-2502.22. Procurement of certificate of authority by foreign or alien companies--Delivery of certain documents to Commissioner; required showings; authorized examinations.
§ 31-2502.23. Service of process upon foreign or alien companies.[Repealed]
§ 31-2502.24. Names or designations used by mutual companies and reciprocal or interinsurance exchanges.
§ 31-2502.25. Premiums of mutual companies.
§ 31-2502.26. Company reserves.[Repealed]
§ 31-2502.26a. Actuarial opinion of reserves.
§ 31-2502.26b. Confidentiality of actuarial opinions, summaries, reports, and workpapers.
§ 31-2502.27. Filing and approval of policy forms.
§ 31-2502.28. Rate and form filing requirements for accident and health policies.
§ 31-2502.29. Discriminations prohibited.
§ 31-2502.30. Powers of agents, salaried employees and brokers.[Repealed]
§ 31-2502.31. Compensation of unlicensed persons prohibited.
§§ 31-2502.32 to 31-2502.37. Procedure for obtaining licenses;  effective dates;  temporary transfer of licenses;  renewal of licenses;  revocation and suspension of licenses;  unauthorized solicitation.[Repealed]
§ 31-2502.38. Exceptions to licensing provisions.
§ 31-2502.39. Persons not to act for unauthorized companies.
§ 31-2502.40. License to procure policies from unauthorized companies.
§ 31-2502.41. License fees.
§ 31-2502.42. Violations of provisions.
§§ 31-2502.43 to 31-2502.45. Appeals from Commissioner to Mayor; court proceedings; severability.[Repealed]