Title 31. Insurance and Securities.

Subtitle I. Government Agencies. Back to Top
Chapter 1. Department of Insurance, Securities, and Banking.
Chapter 2. Duties of Commissioner; Requirements of Industry.
Chapter 2A. Unauthorized Entries.
Subtitle II. Regulation of Insurance Industry Generally. Back to Top
Chapter 3. Annual Audited Financial Reports.
Chapter 4. Business Transacted with Producer Controlled Insurer.
Chapter 5. Credit for Reinsurance.
Chapter 6. Domestic Stock Insurance Companies.
Chapter 6A. Fingerprint-Based Background Checks.
Chapter 7. Holding Companies.
Chapter 8. Insurance Agents and Brokers Licensing.[Repealed]
Chapter 8A. Insurance Compliance Self-Evaluation Privilege.
Chapter 9. Insurance Demutualization.
Chapter 10. Insurance Industry Material Transactions Disclosures.
Chapter 11. Insurance Premium Finance Companies.
Chapter 11A. Insurance Producers.
Chapter 12. Insurance Regulatory Trust Fund.
Chapter 13. Insurers Rehabilitation and Liquidation Procedures.
Chapter 13A. Investments of Insurers.
Chapter 13B. Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Compacts.
Chapter 14. Law on Examinations.
Chapter 15. Managing General Agents.
Chapter 16. Prohibition of Discrimination in the Provision of Insurance on Basis of AIDS Test.
Chapter 16A. Public Insurance Adjuster Licensure.
Chapter 17. Redomestication.
Chapter 18. Reinsurance Intermediaries.
Chapter 19. Required Annual Financial Statements and Participation in the Naic Insurance Regulatory Information System.
Chapter 20. Risk-Based Capital.
Chapter 21. Standards to Identify Insurance Companies Deemed to Be in Hazardous Financial Condition.
Chapter 22. State of Entry for Non-US Insurers.
Chapter 22A. Unfair Insurance Trade Practices.
Chapter 23. United States Branch Domestication of Non-US Insurers.
Subtitle III. Fire, Casualty, Marine, Motor Vehicle and Related Insurance. Back to Top
Chapter 24. Compulsory/No-Fault Motor Vehicle Insurance.
Chapter 25. Fire, Casualty, and Marine Insurance.
Chapter 26. Marine Insurance.
Chapter 27. Regulation of Casualty and Other Insurance Rates.
Subtitle IV. Health and Related Insurance. Back to Top
Chapter 28. Access to Emergency Medical Services.
Chapter 29. Cancer Prevention.
Chapter 29A. Closed Malpractice Claims.
Chapter 29B. Clinical Trials Insurance Coverage.
Chapter 29C. Chemotherapy Pill Coverage.
Chapter 29D. Dependent Health Insurance.
Chapter 30. Diabetes Health Insurance Coverage.
Chapter 30A. Discontinuance of Class of Health Insurance Policies.
Chapter 31. Drug Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, and Mental Illness Insurance Coverage.
Chapter 31A. Health Benefit Plans Prompt Payment.
Chapter 31B. Health Benefit Plans Withdrawal from Market.
Chapter 31C. Health Benefit Plans Equity.
Chapter 31D. Health Benefit Exchange.
Chapter 32. Health Insurance Forms.
Chapter 32A. Health Insurance Coverage for Habilitative Services for Children.
Chapter 33. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability.
Chapter 33A. Health Insurance Ratemaking.
Chapter 34. Health Maintenance Organizations.
Chapter 35. Hospital and Medical Services Corporations Regulation.
Chapter 36. Long-Term Care Insurance.
Chapter 37. Medicare Supplement Insurance.
Chapter 38. Newborn Health Insurance.
Chapter 38A. Women's Rights Regarding Certain Health Insurance.
Chapter 38B. Health Organizations Rbc.
Subtitle V. Liability and Related Insurance. Back to Top
Chapter 39. Captive Insurance Companies (2000).[Repealed]
Chapter 39A. Captive Insurance Companies (2004).
Chapter 40. Liability Coverage for Child Development Homes.
Chapter 41. Risk Retention.
Subtitle VI. Life and Related Insurance. Back to Top
Subdivision A. Life Insurance Act.
Chapter 42. Definitions.
Chapter 43. Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking with Respect to Life Companies.
Chapter 44. Domestic Life Companies.
Chapter 45. Foreign and Alien Life Companies.
Chapter 46. Life Insurance; Penalties; Testimony; Separability.
Chapter 47. Provisions Relating to All Life Insurance Companies.
Subdivision B. General.
Chapter 48. Industrial Life Insurance.
Chapter 49. Life Insurance Actuarial Opinion of Reserves.
Subtitle VII. Property and Related Insurance. Back to Top
Chapter 50. Insurance Placement.
Chapter 50A. Title Insurance Insurers.
Chapter 50B. Title Insurance Producers.
Subtitle VIII. Provisions Applicable to More Than One Kind of Insurance. Back to Top
Chapter 51. Credit Life, Accident, and Health Insurance.
Chapter 52. General Provisions.
Subtitle VIII-A. Certified Capital Investment by Insurance Companies. Back to Top
Chapter 52A. Certified Capital Companies.
Subtitle IX. Insurance Associations and Societies. Back to Top
Chapter 53. Fraternal Benefit Societies.
Chapter 54. Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association.
Chapter 55. Property and Liability Insurance Guaranty Association.
Subtitle X. Securities. Back to Top
Chapter 56. Securities.
Subtitle XI. Repealed Provisions. Back to Top
Chapter 57. Fraternal Benefit Associations.[Repealed]
Chapter 58. Holding Company System.[Repealed]
Chapter 59. Insurance Agents Other Than Life.[Repealed]
Chapter 60. Insurance Guaranty Association.[Repealed]
Chapter 61. Medicare Supplement Insurance.[Repealed]
Chapter 62. Regulation of Fire Insurance Rates.[Repealed]