Chapter 3. Business Corporations.

Subchapter I. General Provisions. Back to Top
Part A. Short Title, Definitions, and Notice.
§ 29-301.01. Short title.
§ 29-301.02. Definitions.
§ 29-301.03. Notice.
§ 29-301.04. Reference to extrinsic facts in plans or filed documents.
Part B. Number of Shareholders; Qualified Director; Householding.
§ 29-301.20. Number of shareholders.
§ 29-301.21. Qualified director.
§ 29-301.22. Householding.
Subchapter II. Incorporation. Back to Top
§ 29-302.01. Incorporators.
§ 29-302.02. Articles of incorporation.
§ 29-302.03. Incorporation.
§ 29-302.04. Liability for preincorporation transactions.
§ 29-302.05. Organization of corporation.
§ 29-302.06. Bylaws.
§ 29-302.07. Emergency bylaws.
Subchapter III. Purposes and Powers. Back to Top
§ 29-303.01. Purposes.
§ 29-303.02. General powers.
§ 29-303.03. Emergency powers.
§ 29-303.04. Ultra vires.
Subchapter IV. Shares and Distributions. Back to Top
Part A. Shares.
§ 29-304.01. Authorized shares.
§ 29-304.02. Terms of class or series determined by board of directors.
§ 29-304.03. Issued and outstanding shares.
§ 29-304.04. Fractional shares.
Part B. Issuance of Shares.
§ 29-304.20. Subscription for shares before incorporation.
§ 29-304.21. Issuance of shares.
§ 29-304.22. Liability of shareholders.
§ 29-304.23. Share dividends.
§ 29-304.24. Share options.
§ 29-304.25. Form and content of certificates.
§ 29-304.26. Shares without certificates.
§ 29-304.27. Restriction on transfer of shares and other securities.
§ 29-304.28. Expense of issue.
Part C. Subsequent Acquisition of Shares by Shareholders and Corporation.
§ 29-304.40. Shareholders' preemptive rights.
§ 29-304.41. Corporation's acquisition of its own shares.
Part D. Distributions to Shareholders.
§ 29-304.60. Distributions to shareholders.
Subchapter V. Shareholders. Back to Top
Part A. Meetings.
§ 29-305.01. Annual meeting.
§ 29-305.02. Special meeting.
§ 29-305.03. Court-ordered meeting.
§ 29-305.04. Action without meeting.
§ 29-305.05. Notice of meeting.
§ 29-305.06. Waiver of notice.
§ 29-305.07. Record date.
§ 29-305.08. Conduct of the meeting.
Part B. Voting.
§ 29-305.20. Shareholders' list for meeting.
§ 29-305.21. Voting entitlement of shares.
§ 29-305.22. Proxies.
§ 29-305.23. Shares held by nominees.
§ 29-305.24. Corporation's acceptance of votes.
§ 29-305.25. Quorum and voting requirements for voting groups.
§ 29-305.26. Action by single and multiple voting groups.
§ 29-305.27. Greater quorum or voting requirements.
§ 29-305.28. Voting for directors; cumulative voting.
§ 29-305.29. Inspectors of election.
Part C. Voting Trusts and Agreements.
§ 29-305.40. Voting trusts.
§ 29-305.41. Voting agreements.
§ 29-305.42. Shareholder agreements.
Part D. Derivative Proceedings.
§ 29-305.50. Definitions.
§ 29-305.51. Standing.
§ 29-305.52. Demand.
§ 29-305.53. Stay of proceedings.
§ 29-305.54. Dismissal.
§ 29-305.55. Discontinuance or settlement.
§ 29-305.56. Payment of expenses.
§ 29-305.57. Applicability to foreign corporations.
Part E. Proceeding to Appoint Custodian or Receiver.
§ 29-305.70. Shareholder action to appoint custodian or receiver.
Subchapter VI. Directors and Officers. Back to Top
Part A. Board of Directors.
§ 29-306.01. Requirement for and functions of board of directors.
§ 29-306.02. Qualifications of directors.
§ 29-306.03. Number and election of directors.
§ 29-306.04. Election of directors by certain classes of shareholders.
§ 29-306.05. Terms of directors generally.
§ 29-306.06. Staggered terms for directors.
§ 29-306.07. Resignation of directors.
§ 29-306.08. Removal of directors by shareholders.
§ 29-306.09. Removal of directors by judicial proceeding.
§ 29-306.10. Vacancy on board.
§ 29-306.11. Compensation of directors.
Part B. Meetings and Action of the Board.
§ 29-306.20. Meetings.
§ 29-306.21. Action without meeting.
§ 29-306.22. Notice of meeting.
§ 29-306.23. Waiver of notice.
§ 29-306.24. Quorum and voting.
§ 29-306.25. Committees.
Part C. Directors.
§ 29-306.30. Standards of conduct for directors.
§ 29-306.31. Standards of liability for directors.
§ 29-306.32. Directors' liability for unlawful distributions.
Part D. Officers.
§ 29-306.40. Officers.
§ 29-306.41. Functions of officers.
§ 29-306.42. Standards of conduct for officers.
§ 29-306.43. Resignation and removal of officers.
§ 29-306.44. Contract rights of officers.
Part E. Indemnification and Advance for Expenses.
§ 29-306.50. Definitions.
§ 29-306.51. Permissible indemnification.
§ 29-306.52. Mandatory indemnification.
§ 29-306.53. Advance for expenses.
§ 29-306.54. Court-ordered indemnification and advance for expenses.
§ 29-306.55. Determination and authorization of indemnification.
§ 29-306.56. Indemnification of officers.
§ 29-306.57. Insurance.
§ 29-306.58. Variation by corporate action; application of part.
§ 29-306.59. Exclusivity of part.
Part F. Directors' Conflicting Interest Transactions.
§ 29-306.70. Definitions.
§ 29-306.71. Judicial action.
§ 29-306.72. Directors' action.
§ 29-306.73. Shareholders' action.
Part G. Business Opportunities.
§ 29-306.80. Business opportunities.
Subchapter VII. Domestication. Back to Top
§ 29-307.01. Domestication.
§ 29-307.02. Action on a plan of domestication.
§ 29-307.03. Articles of domestication.
§ 29-307.04. Surrender of charter upon domestication.
§ 29-307.05. Effect of domestication.
§ 29-307.06. Abandonment of a domestication.
Subchapter VIII. Amendment of Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. Back to Top
Part A. Amendment of Articles of Incorporation.
§ 29-308.01. Authority to amend.
§ 29-308.02. Amendment before issuance of shares.
§ 29-308.03. Amendment by board of directors and shareholders.
§ 29-308.04. Voting on amendments by voting groups.
§ 29-308.05. Amendment by board of directors.
§ 29-308.06. Articles of amendment.
§ 29-308.07. Restated articles of incorporation.
§ 29-308.08. Amendment pursuant to reorganization.
§ 29-308.09. Effect of amendment.
Part B. Amendment of Bylaws.
§ 29-308.20. Amendment by board of directors or shareholders.
§ 29-308.21. Bylaw increasing quorum or voting requirement for directors.
§ 29-308.22. Bylaw provisions relating to the election of directors.
Subchapter IX. Merger and Share Exchanges. Back to Top
§ 29-309.01. Definitions.
§ 29-309.02. Merger.
§ 29-309.03. Share exchange.
§ 29-309.04. Action on a plan of merger or share exchange.
§ 29-309.05. Merger between parent and subsidiary or between subsidiaries.
§ 29-309.06. Articles of merger or share exchange.
§ 29-309.07. Effect of merger or share exchange.
§ 29-309.08. Abandonment of a merger or share exchange.
Subchapter X. Disposition of Assets. Back to Top
§ 29-310.01. Disposition of assets not requiring shareholder approval.
§ 29-310.02. Shareholder approval of certain dispositions.
Subchapter XI. Appraisal Rights. Back to Top
Part A. Right to Appraisal and Payment for Shares.
§ 29-311.01. Definitions.
§ 29-311.02. Right to appraisal.
§ 29-311.03. Assertion of rights by nominees and beneficial owners.
Part B. Procedure for Exercise of Appraisal Rights.
§ 29-311.10. Notice of appraisal rights.
§ 29-311.11. Notice of intent to demand payment and consequences of voting or consenting.
§ 29-311.12. Appraisal notice and form.
§ 29-311.13. Perfection of rights; right to withdraw.
§ 29-311.14. Payment.
§ 29-311.15. After-acquired shares.
§ 29-311.16. Procedure if shareholder dissatisfied with payment or offer.
Part C. Judicial Appraisal of Shares.
§ 29-311.30. Judicial proceeding.
§ 29-311.31. Court costs and expenses.
Part D. Other Remedies.
§ 29-311.50. Other remedies limited.
Subchapter XII. Dissolution. Back to Top
Part A. Voluntary Dissolution.
§ 29-312.01. Dissolution by incorporators or initial directors.
§ 29-312.02. Dissolution by board of directors and shareholders.
§ 29-312.03. Articles of dissolution.
§ 29-312.04. Revocation of dissolution.
§ 29-312.05. Effect of dissolution.
§ 29-312.06. Known claims against dissolved corporation.
§ 29-312.07. Other claims against dissolved corporation.
§ 29-312.08. Judicial proceedings.
§ 29-312.09. Director duties.
Part B. Judicial Dissolution.
§ 29-312.20. Grounds for judicial dissolution.
§ 29-312.21. Procedure for judicial dissolution.
§ 29-312.22. Receivership or custodianship.
§ 29-312.23. Decree of dissolution.
§ 29-312.24. Election to purchase in lieu of dissolution.
Part C. Miscellaneous.
§ 29-312.40. Deposit with Mayor.
Subchapter XIII. Records and Reports. Back to Top
Part A. Records.
§ 29-313.01. Corporate records.
§ 29-313.02. Inspection of records by shareholders.
§ 29-313.03. Scope of inspection right.
§ 29-313.04. Court-ordered inspection.
§ 29-313.05. Inspection of records by directors.
§ 29-313.06. Exception to notice requirement.
Part B. Reports.
§ 29-313.07. Financial statements for shareholders.
Subchapter XIV. Transition Provisions. Back to Top
§ 29-314.01. Application to existing domestic corporations.
§ 29-314.02. Application to qualified foreign corporations.