Chapter 2. Entity Transactions.

Subchapter I. General Provisions. Back to Top
§ 29-201.01. Short title.
§ 29-201.02. Definitions.
§ 29-201.03. Relationship of chapter to other laws.
§ 29-201.04. Required notice or approval.
§ 29-201.05. Status of filings.
§ 29-201.06. Nonexclusivity.
§ 29-201.07. Reference to external facts.
§ 29-201.08. Alternative means of approval of transactions.
§ 29-201.09. Appraisal rights.
Subchapter II. Merger. Back to Top
§ 29-202.01. Merger authorized.
§ 29-202.02. Plan of merger.
§ 29-202.03. Approval of merger.
§ 29-202.04. Amendment or abandonment of plan of merger.
§ 29-202.05. Statement of merger; effective date.
§ 29-202.06. Effect of merger.
Subchapter III. Interest Exchange. Back to Top
§ 29-203.01. Interest exchange authorized.
§ 29-203.02. Plan of interest exchange.
§ 29-203.03. Approval of interest exchange.
§ 29-203.04. Amendment or abandonment of plan of interest exchange.
§ 29-203.05. Statement of interest exchange; effective date.
§ 29-203.06. Effect of interest exchange.
Subchapter IV. Conversion. Back to Top
§ 29-204.01. Conversion authorized.
§ 29-204.02. Plan of conversion.
§ 29-204.03. Approval of conversion.
§ 29-204.04. Amendment or abandonment of plan of conversion.
§ 29-204.05. Statement of conversion; effective date.
§ 29-204.06. Effect of conversion.
Subchapter V. Domestication. Back to Top
§ 29-205.01. Domestication authorized.
§ 29-205.02. Plan of domestication.
§ 29-205.03. Approval of domestication.
§ 29-205.04. Amendment or abandonment of plan of domestication.
§ 29-205.05. Statement of domestication; effective date.
§ 29-205.06. Effect of domestication.