• Current through October 23, 2012

Winding up and termination of an unincorporated nonprofit association shall proceed in accordance with the following rules:

(1) All known debts and liabilities shall be paid or adequately provided for.

(2) Any property subject to a condition requiring return to the person designated by the donor shall be transferred to that person.

(3) Any property subject to a trust shall be distributed in accordance with the trust agreement.

(4) Any remaqining property shall be distributed as follows:.

(A) As required by law other than this chapter that requires assets of an association to be distributed to another person with similar nonprofit purposes;

(B) In accordance with the association's governing principles or, in the absence of applicable governing principles, to the members of the association per capita or as the members direct; or

(C) If subparagraph (A) or (B) of this paragraph does not apply, in accordance with the law of unclaimed property in the District.

(July 2, 2011, D.C. Law 18-378, § 2, 58 DCR 1720.)


Legislative History of Laws

For history of Law 18-378, see notes under § 29-101.01.

Editor's Notes

Former § 29-1125 has been recodified as § 29A-1125.

Uniform Law

This section is based on § 29 of the Uniform Unincorporated Nonprofit Association Act (2008 Act) . See Vol. 6B , Uniform Laws Annotated, Master Edition or ULA Database on Westlaw.