Chapter 14. Universal Bank Certification.

Subchapter I. General Provisions. Back to Top
§ 26-1401.01. Short title.
§ 26-1401.02. Definitions.
Subchapter II. Application and Certification as a Universal Bank. Back to Top
§ 26-1401.03. Application to be certified as a universal bank; review and approval or disapproval of application.
§ 26-1401.04. Issuance of certificate of authority.
§ 26-1401.05. Revocation or subsequent limitation of certificate of authority.
§ 26-1401.06. Voluntary termination of certification.
Subchapter III. Powers and Authority of Universal Banks. Back to Top
§ 26-1401.07. Preexisting powers of universal banks.
§ 26-1401.08. Parity of powers of universal bank.
§ 26-1401.09. Specific powers of universal banks.
§ 26-1401.10. Necessary or convenient powers.
§ 26-1401.11. Reasonably related and incidental activities.
Subchapter IV. Limitations, and Exceptions to Limitations, on Powers of Universal Banks. Back to Top
§ 26-1401.12. Limitations on loan power of universal banks.
§ 26-1401.13. Limitations on investment powers of universal bank.
§ 26-1401.14. Exceptions to limitations on investment powers of universal banks.
§ 26-1401.15. Limits on insurance and securities powers of universal banks.
Subchapter V. Commissioner Possession, Receivership, Conservatorship, and Liquidation of Universal Banks. Back to Top
§ 26-1401.16. Liquidation of universal banks in general.
§ 26-1401.17. Commissioner taking possession of universal banks.
§ 26-1401.18. Resumption of business by a universal bank.
§ 26-1401.19. Appointment of a receiver for a universal bank.
§ 26-1401.20. Receiver duties and powers.
§ 26-1401.21. Lien on property or assets; voidable transfer.
§ 26-1401.22. Maintenance and disposal of records by receiver.
§ 26-1401.23. Conservator; appointment; bond and security; qualifications; expenses.
§ 26-1401.24. Conservator; rights, powers, and privileges.
§ 26-1401.25. Deposits received while universal bank in conservatorship.
§ 26-1401.26. Authority of conservator to borrow money; purpose.
§ 26-1401.27. Termination of conservatorship.
Subchapter VI. Miscellaneous Provisions. Back to Top
§ 26-1401.28. Articles of incorporation and bylaws.
§ 26-1401.29. Acquisitions, mergers and asset purchases.
§ 26-1401.30. Fees.
§ 26-1401.31. Rulemaking.