Chapter 11A. Home Loan Protection.

Subchapter I. Definitions; Federally Regulated and Supervised Entities and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Back to Top
§ 26-1151.01. Definitions.
§ 26-1151.02. Federally regulated, supervised, and insured entities and the Federal National Mortgage Association and Federal Home Loan Corporation.
Subchapter II. Prohibited Practices. Back to Top
§ 26-1152.01. Applicability.
§ 26-1152.02. Insufficient repayment ability.
§ 26-1152.03. Restrictions on the financing of single-premium credit insurance.
§ 26-1152.04. Restriction on financing origination/discount points and fees.
§ 26-1152.05. No encouragement of default.
§ 26-1152.06. Unfair steering or improper use of credit scores.
§ 26-1152.07. Failing to report favorable payment record.
§ 26-1152.08. Home improvement contracts.
§ 26-1152.09. No increase in interest rate upon default.
§ 26-1152.10. Charges in bad faith.
§ 26-1152.11. Failure to timely send disclosure notice.
§ 26-1152.12. Prepayment premium, fee or charge.
§ 26-1152.13. Limitations on balloon payments.
§ 26-1152.14. No call provision.
§ 26-1152.15. No negative amortization.
§ 26-1152.16. No advance payments.
§ 26-1152.17. No advance waivers.
§ 26-1152.18. No oppressive mandatory arbitration clause.
§ 26-1152.19. Homeownership counseling.
§ 26-1152.20. Broker licensor.
§ 26-1152.21. Filing requirements.
§ 26-1152.22. Suspect settlement service providers.
§ 26-1152.23. Median family income.
Subchapter III. Violations and Remedies; Enforcement and Civil Liability. Back to Top
§ 26-1153.01. Violations and remedies.
§ 26-1153.02. Enforcement.
§ 26-1153.03. Administrative penalties.
§ 26-1153.04. Final decision.
§ 26-1153.05. Assignee liability.
Subchapter IV. Rulemaking. Back to Top
§ 26-1154.01. Rulemaking authority.
Subchapter V. Applicability. Back to Top
§ 26-1155.01. Applicability.