Chapter 3. Requirements to Qualify for License.

Subchapter I. Applicant Qualifications. Back to Top
§ 25-301. General qualifications for all applicants.
§ 25-302. Special qualifications for wholesaler's or retailer's licenses.
§ 25-303. Restrictions on holding a conflicting interest.
Subchapter II. Qualification of Establishment. Back to Top
§ 25-311. General provisions--qualification of establishment.
§ 25-312. Defining size of areas relevant to determination of appropriateness.
§ 25-313. Appropriateness standard.
§ 25-314. Additional considerations for new license application or transfer of license to a new location.
§ 25-315. Additional considerations for renewal of licenses.
§ 25-316. Additional considerations for transfer of licensed establishment to new owner.
§ 25-317. Transfer of licensed establishment to new location.
Subchapter III. Denial of License. Back to Top
§ 25-331. Quotas--off-premises retail licenses.
§ 25-332. Moratorium on class B licenses.
§ 25-333. Limitation on the distance between off-premises retailer's licenses.
§ 25-334. Denial--Board-certified referendum.[Repealed]
§ 25-335. Denial--public health and safety restrictions.
§ 25-336. Retail license prohibited in residential-use district.
§ 25-337. Wholesaler's license prohibited in residential-use district.
§ 25-338. Limitation on successive applications after denial.
§ 25-339. Special restrictions for the Georgetown historic district.
§ 25-340. Special restrictions for Ward 4.[Repealed]
§ 25-340.01. Special restrictions for Ward 4.
§ 25-341. Targeted Ward 4 Moratorium Zone.[Repealed]
§ 25-341.01. Targeted Ward 4 Moratorium Zone.
§ 25-342. Special restrictions for off-premises retailer's license in Ward 7.
§ 25-343. Special restrictions for off-premises retailer's license in Ward 8.
§ 25-344. Special restrictions for off-premises retailer's license in Mt. Pleasant.
§ 25-345. Ward 2 restrictions for off-premises retailer's license.
§ 25-346. Ward 6 restrictions for off-premises retailer's license.
Subchapter IV. Board-Created Moratoria. Back to Top
§ 25-351. Board-created moratoria.
§ 25-352. Procedures to request a moratorium.
§ 25-353. Notice requirements for moratorium proceedings.
§ 25-354. Board review of moratorium request.
Subchapter V. Involuntary Transfer. Back to Top
§ 25-361. Involuntary transfer.
Subchapter VI. Moratorium on Establishments Which Permit Nude Dancing. Back to Top
§ 25-371. Moratorium on establishments which permit nude dancing.
§ 25-372. Nude dancing performances.
§ 25-373. Transfer of ownership of establishments which permit nude dancing.
§ 25-374. Transfer of location of establishments which permit nude dancing.