Chapter 5. Warrants and Arrests.

Subchapter I. Definitions. Back to Top
§ 23-501. Definitions.
Subchapter II. Search Warrants. Back to Top
§ 23-521. Nature and issuance of search warrants.
§ 23-522. Applications for search warrants.
§ 23-523. Time of execution of search warrants.
§ 23-524. Execution of search warrants.
§ 23-525. Disposition of property.
Subchapter II-A. Currency Seized by the Metropolitan Police Department. Back to Top
§ 23-531. Definitions.
§ 23-532. Depositing of seized currency.
§ 23-533. Rules.
§ 23-534. Applicability.
Subchapter III. Wire Interception and Interception of Oral Communications. Back to Top
§ 23-541. Definitions.
§ 23-542. Interception, disclosure, and use of wire or oral communications prohibited.
§ 23-543. Possession, sale, distribution, manufacture, assembly, and advertising of wire or oral communication intercepting devices prohibited.
§ 23-544. Confiscation of wire or oral communication intercepting devices.
§ 23-545. Immunity of witnesses.[Repealed]
§ 23-546. Applications for authorization or approval of interception of wire or oral communications.
§ 23-547. Procedure for authorization or approval of interception of wire or oral communications.
§ 23-548. Additional procedure for approval of interception of wire or oral communications.
§ 23-549. Maintenance and custody of records.
§ 23-550. Inventory.
§ 23-551. Procedure for disclosure and suppression of intercepted wire or oral communications.
§ 23-552. Government appeals.
§ 23-553. Authorization for disclosure and use of intercepted wire or oral communications.
§ 23-554. Authorization for recovery of civil damages.
§ 23-555. Reports concerning intercepted wire or oral communications.
§ 23-556. Relation to Federal law on wire interception and interception of oral communications.
Subchapter IV. Arrest Warrant and Summons. Back to Top
§ 23-561. Issuance, form, and contents.
§ 23-562. Execution and return.
§ 23-563. Territorial and other limits.
Subchapter V. Arrest Without Warrant. Back to Top
§ 23-581. Arrests without warrant by law enforcement officers.
§ 23-582. Arrests without warrant by other persons.
Subchapter VI. Authority to Break and Enter Under Certain Conditions. Back to Top
§ 23-591. Authority to break and enter under certain conditions.[Repealed]