Chapter 2. Contracts.

Subchapter I. Bonding Requirement. Back to Top
Part A. General.
§ 2-201.01. Bonds required from public contractors; amount; waiver.
§ 2-201.02. Rights of laborers and materialmen to sue on payment bonds; prior notice of claim required in certain cases; time limitations; suit to be brought in name of District.
§ 2-201.03. Certified copy of bond and contract to be furnished on application of laborers and materialmen; copy prima facie evidence of original.
Part B. Contracts Less Than a Certain Amount.
§ 2-201.11. Bond not required for contracts less than $25,000.
Subchapter II. Retents. Back to Top
§ 2-203.01. Retents.
Subchapter III. Government Insurance. Back to Top
§ 2-205.01. Insurance of District property.
§ 2-205.02. Payment of fire insurance.
Subchapter IV. Sewerage Agreements. Back to Top
§ 2-207.01. Sewerage agreement with Maryland.
§ 2-207.02. Sewerage agreement with Virginia.
Subchapter V. Reciprocal Police Mutual Aid Agreements. Back to Top
§ 2-209.01. Reciprocal police mutual aid agreements--Authorized.
§ 2-209.02. Reciprocal police mutual aid agreements--Required provisions.
§ 2-209.03. Reciprocal police mutual aid agreements--Personnel benefits.
§ 2-209.04. Reciprocal police mutual aid agreements--Supervision of non-District police in District; enforcement of District laws by non-District police.
Subchapter VI. [Reserved] Back to Top
§ 2-211.01. [Reserved]
Subchapter VII. Automated Data Processing. Back to Top
§ 2-213.01. Automatic data processing--Definitions.
§ 2-213.02. Automatic data processing--Duties of Mayor.
§ 2-213.03. Automatic data processing--Delegation of certain Mayoral authority.[Repealed]
Subchapter VII-A. Minority and Women-Owned Business Assessment. Back to Top
§ 2-214.01. Establishment of the Minority and Women-Owned Business Assessment Program.
§ 2-214.02. Rules.
Subchapter VIII. Local Business Opportunity.[Repealed] Back to Top
§ 2-215.01. Findings.[Repealed]
§ 2-215.02. Definitions.[Repealed]
§ 2-215.03. District of Columbia Local Business Opportunity Commission-- Established; composition; appointment; term of office; qualifications; vacancies; removal; oath of office; compensation.[Repealed]
§ 2-215.04. District of Columbia Local Business Opportunity Commission-- Regulations; disclosure of interest in pending measure; meetings; quorum; voting; appointment of Chairperson; staff; records.[Repealed]
§ 2-215.05. Minority Business Opportunity Commission; Reports.[Repealed]
§ 2-215.06. Allocation of agency contracts to local minority enterprises; quarterly agency reports on contracts; Council review of goals.[Repealed]
§ 2-215.07. Assistance programs for minority contractors.[Repealed]
§ 2-215.08. Certificates of registration.[Repealed]
§ 2-215.09. Functions of the Commission.[Repealed]
§ 2-215.09a. Advance, partial, or progress payments.[Repealed]
§ 2-215.10. Rules proposed by Commission.[Repealed]
§ 2-215.11. Severability.[Repealed]
Subchapter IX. Equal Opportunity for Local, Small, and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises.[Repealed] Back to Top
§ 2-217.01. Definitions.[Repealed]
§ 2-217.02. District government contracting with local business enterprises; quarterly agency reports on contracts; Council review of goals.[Repealed]
§ 2-217.03. Assistance programs for local business enterprise contractors, disadvantaged business enterprise contractors, and small business enterprise contractors.[Repealed]
§ 2-217.04. Certificate of registration.[Repealed]
§ 2-217.05. Functions of the Commission.[Repealed]
§ 2-217.06. Rules.[Repealed]
§ 2-217.07. Applicability date.[Repealed]
Subchapter IX-A. Small, Local, and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Development and Assistance. Back to Top
Part A. Short Title and Definitions.
§ 2-218.01. Short title.
§ 2-218.02. Definitions.
Part B. Department of Small and Local Business Development.
§ 2-218.11. Establishment of the Department of Small and Local Business Development.
§ 2-218.12. Director of the Department of Small and Local Business Development.
§ 2-218.13. Organization and functions of the Department.
§ 2-218.14. Transfers from the Office of Local Business Development to the Department of Small and Local Business Development.
Part C. District of Columbia Small and Local Business Opportunity Commission.
§ 2-218.21. District of Columbia Small and Local Business Opportunity Commission Establishment; composition; appointment; term of office; qualifications; vacancies; removal; compensation.
§ 2-218.22. Functions of the Commission.
§ 2-218.24. Record keeping.
§ 2-218.23. Additional functions of the Commission.[Repealed]
§ 2-218.25. By-laws and internal rules.
Part D. Programs for Certified Business Enterprises.
Subpart 1. Certified Business Enterprises.
§ 2-218.31. Local business enterprises.
§ 2-218.32. Small business enterprises.
§ 2-218.33. Disadvantaged business enterprises.
§ 2-218.34. Qualified metropolitan area business enterprises.[Repealed]
§ 2-218.35. Resident-owned businesses.
§ 2-218.36. Longtime resident businesses.
§ 2-218.37. Local business enterprises with principal offices located in an enterprise zone.
§ 2-218.38. Veteran-owned business enterprises.
§ 2-218.39. Local manufacturing business enterprises.
§ 2-218.39a. Joint venture business enterprises.
Subpart 2. Requirements of Programs.
§ 2-218.41. Goals for District agencies with respect to contracting and procurement with small business enterprises.
§ 2-218.42. Required programs, procedures, and policies to achieve contracting and procurement goals.
§ 2-218.43. Bid and proposal preferences.
§ 2-218.44. Mandatory set-asides of small contracts for small business enterprises.
§ 2-218.45. Mandatory set-asides of contracts in the District of Columbia Supply Schedule for small business enterprises.
§ 2-218.46. Performance and subcontracting requirements for construction and non-construction contracts; subcontracting plans.
§ 2-218.47. Unbundling requirement.
§ 2-218.48. Enforcement and penalties for willful breach of subcontracting plan.
§ 2-218.49. Other procedures and programs.
§ 2-218.49a. Equity and development participation.
§ 2-218.50. Special requirements for government corporations.
§ 2-218.51. Waiver of subcontracting requirements.
§ 2-218.52. Enforcement mechanism against an agency.
§ 2-218.53. Agency reporting requirements.
§ 2-218.54. Department reporting requirements.
§ 2-218.55. Regional governmental entities.
Subpart 3. Certification.
§ 2-218.61. Certificate of registration.
§ 2-218.62. Provisional certification; self-certification prohibited.
§ 2-218.63. Revocation of registration; challenges to registration; penalties.
§ 2-218.64. Identification of certified business enterprises in bids or proposals; false statements on certification; penalties.
§ 2-218.65. Certification audits.
Subpart 3A. Stabilization and Job Creation Strategy.
§ 2-218.66. Services to certified business enterprises.
§ 2-218.67. Establishment of the Volunteer Corp of Executives and Entrepreneurs.
§ 2-218.68. Management and direction.
§ 2-218.69. Procurement training and assistance.
Subpart 4. Triennial Review and Rulemaking.
§ 2-218.71. Triennial review of program and subchapter.
§ 2-218.72. Rulemaking authority.
Subpart 5. Financial Assistance.
§ 2-218.75. Small Business Micro Loan Fund.
§ 2-218.76. Commercial Revitalization Assistance Fund.
Part E. Repealers.
§ 2-218.81. [Reserved]
§ 2-218.82. Repealers.
Subchapter X. First Source Employment. Back to Top
Part A. General.
§ 2-219.01. Definitions.
§ 2-219.02. First Source Register created.
§ 2-219.03. Employment agreements required.
§ 2-219.03a. Special hiring agreements.
§ 2-219.04. Reports.
§ 2-219.04a. Modernization of First Source recordkeeping.
§ 2-219.04b. Establishment of a workforce intermediary pilot program.
§ 2-219.04c. Establishment of the District of Columbia Jobs Trust Fund.
§ 2-219.05. Rules.
Part B. First Source Compliance.
§ 2-219.31. Short title.
§ 2-219.32. Definitions.
§ 2-219.33. Establishment of the Office of First Source Compliance.
§ 2-219.34. Functions and duties.
§ 2-219.35. Executive Director.
Part C. Stimulus Accountability.
§ 2-219.51. Reporting requirements for entities receiving grants under the federal recovery act.
§ 2-219.52. Requirements of the Mayor.
Subchapter X-A. Living Wage Requirements. Back to Top
§ 2-220.01. Short title.
§ 2-220.02. Definitions.
§ 2-220.03. Living wage payment.
§ 2-220.04. Contents of contract; notice to subcontractors.
§ 2-220.05. Exemptions.
§ 2-220.06. Notice.
§ 2-220.07. Records.
§ 2-220.08. Enforcement.
§ 2-220.09. Waiver.
§ 2-220.10. Rules.
§ 2-220.11. Applicability.
Subchapter XI. Quick Payment Provisions. Back to Top
§ 2-221.01. Definitions.
§ 2-221.02. Rules and regulations governing interest penalty payments by District agencies; computation and payment of penalties.
§ 2-221.03. Interest penalty for failure to pay discounted price within specified period.
§ 2-221.04. Filing of claims; disputed payments.
§ 2-221.05. Required reports.
§ 2-221.06. Determination of receipt and payment dates; construction of rental contracts.
Subchapter XII. Employees of District Contractors and Instrumentality Whistleblower Protection. Back to Top
§ 2-223.01. Definitions.
§ 2-223.02. Prohibitions.
§ 2-223.03. Enforcement.
§ 2-223.04. Disciplinary action; fine.
§ 2-223.05. Election of remedies.
§ 2-223.06. Posting of notice.
§ 2-223.07. Applicability.
Subchapter XIII. Repealed and Expired Provisions. Back to Top
Part A. General.
§ 2-225.01. Right of Mayor to contract.[Repealed]
§ 2-225.02. Contracts in which Mayor personally interested to be void.[Repealed]
§ 2-225.03. Contract requirements.[Repealed]
§ 2-225.04. Formal contracts with bond not required for contracts less than $2,000.[Repealed]
§ 2-225.05. Advertisement for purchases and contracts required; exceptions.[Repealed]
§ 2-225.06. Cost of advertising.[Repealed]
§ 2-225.07. Appropriations for advertising and publication of notices.[Repealed]
§ 2-225.08. Separate contracts for material and labor.[Repealed]
§ 2-225.09. Operation of District Quarry.[Repealed]
§ 2-225.10. Purchasing sites for schools and public buildings; use of agents; enlargement of school buildings.[Repealed]
§ 2-225.11. Testing of building materials by Bureau of Standards.[Repealed]
§ 2-225.12. Authorization to test materials in laboratory of Department of Transportation.[Repealed]
§ 2-225.13. Sludge removal.[Repealed]
§ 2-225.14. Auction of property unfit for service;  proceeds.[Repealed]
§ 2-225.15. Exchange of equipment in payment for new equipment.[Repealed]
§ 2-225.16. Contracts for inspection, maintenance and repair of fixed equipment.[Repealed]
Part B. Equal Opportunity for Local, Small, and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises.[Expired]
§§ 2-225.21 to 2-225.27. Findings; Definitions; District government contracting with local business enterprises; quarterly agency reports on contracts; Council review of goals; Assistance Programs for local business enterprise contractors, disadvantaged business enterprise contractors, and small business enterprise contractors; Certificate of registration; functions of the Commission; rules and regulations by Mayor.[Expired]