• Current through October 23, 2012

(a) Within 90 days of September 14, 2012, the Mayor shall establish a bullying prevention task force.

(b)(1) The task force shall consist of representatives from a diversity of the educational institutions and agencies that will be affected by this subchapter, as well as community representatives, including:

(A) Teachers;

(B) Administrators from educational institutions and agencies;

(C) School mental health professionals;

(D) Parents, and legal guardians;

(E) Youth;

(F) Direct service providers; and

(G) Advocates.

(2) In constituting this task force, the Mayor shall consider geographic and socioeconomic diversity as well as other forms of diversity.

(c) The task force shall:

(1) Provide guidance to the Mayor on the implementation of this subchapter;

(2) Within 180 days of September 14, 2012, publicize a model policy, which shall contain each of the components required in § 2-1535.03(b);

(3) Assist educational institutions and agencies with developing policies in accordance with § 2-1535.03;

(4) Compile, and make available to each agency, educational institution, and grantee, a list of free or low-cost methods for establishing the bullying prevention programs authorized in § 2-1535.06;

(5) Within 180 days of receipt of the bullying prevention policies submitted pursuant to § 2-1535.03(c), review each adopted policy for compliance with the requirements of § 2-1535.03(b); and

(6) Promulgate guidelines to assist the Mayor in evaluating the effectiveness of the bullying prevention policies that have been established.

(d) The task force shall disband 2 years after its initial meeting; provided, that at the discretion of the Mayor, a one-year extension may be granted by the Mayor.

(Sept. 14, 2012, D.C. Law 19-167, § 3, 59 DCR 7820.)


Legislative History of Laws

For history of Law 19-167, see notes under § 2-1535.01.