• Current through October 23, 2012

Notwithstanding any other provision of this subpart, any action taken by the Mayor to implement the provisions of this subpart shall be consistent with the Chief Financial Officer's authority under § 1-204.24d.

(Dec. 7, 2010, D.C. Law 18-275, § 14, 57 DCR 9873.)


Emergency Act Amendments

For temporary (90 day) addition, see § 14 of Howard Theatre Redevelopment project Great Streets Initiative Tax Increment Financing Emergency Act of 2010 (D.C. Act 18-516, August 3, 2010, 57 DCR 7971).

For temporary (90 day) addition, see § 14 of Howard Theatre Redevelopment Project Great Streets Initiative Tax Increment Financing Congressional Review Emergency Act of 2010 (D.C. Act 18-573, October 19, 2010, 57 DCR 10090).

Legislative History of Laws

For history of Law 18-275, see notes under § 2-1217.34a.