Chapter 13. Uniform Trust Code.

Subchapter I. General Provisions and Definitions. Back to Top
§ 19-1301.01. Short title.
§ 19-1301.02. Scope.
§ 19-1301.03. Definitions.
§ 19-1301.04. Knowledge.
§ 19-1301.05. Default and mandatory rules.
§ 19-1301.06. Common law of trusts; principles of equity.
§ 19-1301.07. Governing law.
§ 19-1301.08. Principal place of administration.
§ 19-1301.09. Methods and waiver of notice.
§ 19-1301.10. Others treated as qualified beneficiaries.
§ 19-1301.11. Nonjudicial settlement agreements.
Subchapter II. Judicial Proceedings. Back to Top
§ 19-1302.01. Role of court in administration of trust.
§ 19-1302.02. Jurisdiction over trustee and beneficiary.
Subchapter III. Representation. Back to Top
§ 19-1303.01. Representation: basic effect.
§ 19-1303.02. Representation by holder of general testamentary power of appointment.
§ 19-1303.03. Representation by fiduciaries and parents.
§ 19-1303.04. Representation by person having substantially identical interest.
§ 19-1303.05. Appointment of representative.
Subchapter IV. Creation, Validity, Modification, and Termination of Trust. Back to Top
§ 19-1304.01. Methods of creating trust.
§ 19-1304.02. Requirements for creation.
§ 19-1304.03. Trusts created in other jurisdictions.
§ 19-1304.04. Trust purposes.
§ 19-1304.05. Charitable purposes; enforcement.
§ 19-1304.06. Creation of trust induced by fraud, duress, or undue influence.
§ 19-1304.07. Evidence of oral trust.
§ 19-1304.08. Trust for care of animal.
§ 19-1304.09. Noncharitable trust without ascertainable beneficiary.
§ 19-1304.10. Modification or termination of trust; proceedings for approval or disapproval.
§ 19-1304.11. Modification or termination of noncharitable irrevocable trust by consent.
§ 19-1304.12. Modification or termination because of unanticipated circumstances or inability to administer trust effectively.
§ 19-1304.13. Cy pres.
§ 19-1304.14. Termination of uneconomic trust.
§ 19-1304.15. Reformation to correct mistakes.
§ 19-1304.16. Modification to achieve settlor's tax objectives.
§ 19-1304.17. Combination and division of trusts.
§ 19-1304.18. Title of trust property.
Subchapter V. Creditor's Claims; Spendthrift and Discretionary Trusts. Back to Top
§ 19-1305.01. Rights of beneficiary's creditor or assignee.
§ 19-1305.02. Spendthrift provision.
§ 19-1305.03. Exceptions to spendthrift provision.
§ 19-1305.04. Discretionary trusts; effect of standard.[Reserved]
§ 19-1305.05. Creditor's claim against settlor.
§ 19-1305.06. Overdue distribution.
§ 19-1305.07. Personal obligations of trustee.
Subchapter VI. Revocable Trusts. Back to Top
§ 19-1306.01. Capacity of settlor of revocable trust.
§ 19-1306.02. Revocation or amendment of revocable trust.
§ 19-1306.03. Settlor's powers; powers of withdrawal.
§ 19-1306.04. Limitation on action contesting validity of revocable trust, distribution of trust property.
Subchapter VII. Office of Trustee. Back to Top
§ 19-1307.01. Accepting or declining trusteeship.
§ 19-1307.02. Trustee's bond.
§ 19-1307.03. Cotrustees.
§ 19-1307.04. Vacancy in trusteeship; appointment of successor.
§ 19-1307.05. Resignation of trustee.
§ 19-1307.06. Removal of trustee.
§ 19-1307.07. Delivery of property by former trustee.
§ 19-1307.08. Compensation of trustee.
§ 19-1307.09. Reimbursement of expenses.
Subchapter VIII. Duties and Powers of Trustee. Back to Top
§ 19-1308.01. Duty to administer trust.
§ 19-1308.02. Duty of loyalty.
§ 19-1308.03. Impartiality.
§ 19-1308.04. Prudent administration.
§ 19-1308.05. Costs of administration.
§ 19-1308.06. Trustee's skills.
§ 19-1308.07. Delegation by trustee.
§ 19-1308.08. Powers to direct.
§ 19-1308.09. Control and protection of trust property.
§ 19-1308.10. Recordkeeping and identification of trust property.
§ 19-1308.11. Enforcement and defense of claims.
§ 19-1308.12. Collecting trust property.
§ 19-1308.13. Duty to inform and report.
§ 19-1308.14. Discretionary powers; tax savings.
§ 19-1308.15. General powers of trustee.
§ 19-1308.16. Specific powers of trustee.
§ 19-1308.17. Distribution upon termination.
Subchapter IX. Uniform Prudent Investor Act. Back to Top
§ 19-1309.01. Prudent investor rule.
§ 19-1309.02. Standard of care; portfolio strategy; risk and return objectives.
§ 19-1309.03. Diversification.
§ 19-1309.04. Duties at inception of trusteeship.
§ 19-1309.05. Reviewing compliance.
§ 19-1309.06. Language invoking standard of subchapter.
Subchapter X. Liability of Trustees and Rights of Persons Dealing with Trustee. Back to Top
§ 19-1310.01. Remedies for breach of trust.
§ 19-1310.02. Damages for breach of trust.
§ 19-1310.03. Damages in absence of breach.
§ 19-1310.04. Attorney's fees and costs.
§ 19-1310.05. Limitation of action against trustee.
§ 19-1310.06. Reliance on trust instrument.
§ 19-1310.07. Event affecting administration or distribution.
§ 19-1310.08. Exculpation of trustee.
§ 19-1310.09. Beneficiary's consent, release, or ratification.
§ 19-1310.10. Limitation on personal liability of trustee.
§ 19-1310.11. Interest as general partner.
§ 19-1310.12. Protection of person dealing with trustee.
§ 19-1310.13. Certification of trust.
Subchapter XI. Miscellaneous Provisions. Back to Top
§ 19-1311.01. Uniformity of application and construction.
§ 19-1311.02. Electronic records and signatures.
§ 19-1311.03. Application to existing relationships.

Refs & Annos

Effective Date
Statutory Citation
2006, c. 216
Code 1975, §§ 19-3B-101 to 19-3B-1305.
2008, c. 247
A.R.S. §§ 14-10101 to 14-11102.
2005, c. 1031
A.C.A. §§ 28-73-101 to 28-73-1105.
District of Columbia
2004, c. 15-104
D.C. Official Code, 2001 Ed. §§ 19-1301.01 to 19-1311.03.
2006, c. 217
West's F.S.A. §§ 736.0101 to 736.1303.
2002, c. 133
K.S.A. 58a-101 to 58a-1107.
2004, c. 618
18-B M.R.S.A. §§ 101 to 1104.
2009, No. 46
M.C.L.A. §§ 700.7101 to 700.8206.
2004, H.B. No. 1511
V.A.M.S. §§ 456.1-101 to 456.11-1106.
Nebraska [FN2]
2003, LB 130
R.R.S. 1943, §§ 30-3801 to 30-38,110.
New Hampshire
2004, c. 130
RSA 564-B:1-101 to 564-B:12-1205.
New Mexico
2003, c. 122
NMSA 1978, §§ 46A-1-101 to 46A-11-1105.
North Carolina
2005, c. 192
G.S. §§ 36C-1-101 to 36C-11-1104.
North Dakota
2007, c. 549
NDCC 59-09-01 to 59-19-02.
2006, H.B. 416
R.C. §§ 5801.01 to 5811.03.
2005, c. 348
6-29-2005 [FN*]
ORS 130.001 to 130.910.
2006, c. 98
20 Pa.C.S.A. §§ 7701 to 7799.3.
South Carolina
2005, c. 66
Code 1976, §§ 62-7-101 to 62-7-1106.
2004, c. 537
T.C.A. §§ 35-15-101 to 35-15-1103.
2004, c. 89
U.C.A. 1953, 75-7-101 to 75-7-1201.
2009, P.A. 20
14A V.S.A. §§ 101 to 1204.
2005, c. 935
Code 1950, §§ 55-541.01 to 55-551.06.
West Virginia
2011, c. 66
W. Va. Code §§ 44D-1-101 to 44D-11-1105.
2003, c. 124
Wyo.Stat.Ann. §§ 4-10-101 to 4-10-1103.
[FN*] Approval date.
[FN1] Enacts the Uniform Trust Code and repeals the Uniform Trustees' Powers Act effective July 1, 2007.
[FN2] Repealed the Uniform Prudent Investor Act (R.R.S. 1943, §§ 8-2201 to 8-2213) and the Uniform Trustees' Powers Act (R.R.S. 1943, §§ 30-2819 to 30-2826), and enacted the Uniform Trust Code (R.R.S. 1943, §§ 30-3801 to 30-38,110) by L.2003, LB 130, operative January 1, 2005.