Chapter 5. Regulatory Provisions.

Subchapter I. Wharf Property. Back to Top
§ 10-501.01. Control.
§ 10-501.02. Authority to make rules and regulations.
§ 10-501.03. Furnishing to buildings in Judiciary Square.
§ 10-501.04. Furnishing to buildings enumerated in section.
Subchapter II. Capitol Grounds. Back to Top
Part A. Authority to Make Regulations; Duty of Capitol Police.
§ 10-503.01. Authority to make regulations.
§ 10-503.02. Duty of Capitol Police.
Part B. General.
§ 10-503.11. Boundaries; jurisdiction of Architect; responsibilities of Mayor.
§ 10-503.12. Public travel in and occupancy of restricted.
§ 10-503.13. Obstruction of roads.
§ 10-503.14. Sale of goods, advertising, or begging forbidden.
§ 10-503.15. Removal or injury of property forbidden.
§ 10-503.16. Unlawful conduct.
§ 10-503.17. Parades, assemblages, and displays forbidden.
§ 10-503.18. Prosecution and punishment of offenses.
§ 10-503.19. Policing.
§ 10-503.20. Protection of Congressional personnel by Capitol Police.
§ 10-503.21. Employees to assist enforcement authorities.
§ 10-503.22. Suspension of prohibitions against use--Authorization generally.
§ 10-503.23. Suspension of prohibitions against use--Authorization generally--Authorization of Capitol Police Board.
§ 10-503.24. Suspension of prohibitions against use--Concerts.
§ 10-503.25. Suspension of prohibitions against use--Traffic regulations by Capitol Police Board.
§ 10-503.26. Definitions.
Subchapter III. Details and Transfers from Mpd to Capitol Police. Back to Top
Part A. Details.
§ 10-505.01. Detail of personnel from Metropolitan Police to Capitol Police Board.
Part B. Transfers.
§ 10-505.02. Transfer of member of Metropolitan Police to Capitol Police-- Election.
§ 10-505.03. Transfer of member of Metropolitan Police to Capitol Police-- Creditable service as congressional employee.
§ 10-505.04. Transfer of member of Metropolitan Police to Capitol Police-- Payments into Retirement and Disability Fund.
§ 10-505.05. Transfer of member of Metropolitan Police to Capitol Police-- Definitions.
§ 10-505.06. Transfer of member of Metropolitan Police to Capitol Police-- Appropriations.
§ 10-505.07. Transfer of member of Metropolitan Police to Capitol Police-- Effective date.
Subchapter IV. Control of District Buildings. Back to Top
§ 10-507.01. Control of District of Columbia buildings.
Subchapter V. Protection of Property Outside of District. Back to Top
§ 10-509.01. Designation of District employees to protect life and property outside the District; powers of arrest; weapons and uniforms.
§ 10-509.01a. Escape from juvenile facilities.
§ 10-509.02. Council authorized to make rules and regulations.
§ 10-509.03. Penalty for violation of rules and regulations.
§ 10-509.04. Acceptance of collateral for appearance before United States Magistrate; deposit of collateral.
§ 10-509.05. Reciprocal agreements with states.
Subchapter VI. Capitol Grounds and Botanic Garden Tunnel. Back to Top
§ 10-511.01. Tunnel under Capitol Grounds and Botanic Garden grounds-- Required.
§ 10-511.02. Tunnel under Capitol Grounds and Botanic Garden grounds-- Construction.
§ 10-511.03. Tunnel under Capitol Grounds and Botanic Garden grounds--Right, title and interest to remain in the United States; jurisdiction and responsibility of Mayor.
§ 10-511.04. Tunnel under Capitol Grounds and Botanic Garden grounds-- Restoration of grounds to original condition.
§ 10-511.05. Tunnel under Capitol Grounds and Botanic Garden grounds--United States not to incur expense or liability.
§ 10-511.06. Conveyance of real property for Innerloop Freeway System.
§ 10-511.07. Area authorized for construction of vehicular tunnel; conditions.
Subchapter VII. Federal Activities Affecting District Property.[Repealed] Back to Top
§ 10-513.01. Prior notice for federal activities affecting district property.[Repealed]