Chapter 8. District of Columbia Retirement Funds.

Subchapter I. Short Title, Findings, Definitions. Back to Top
§ 1-801.01. Findings and declaration of policy.
§ 1-801.02. Definitions.
Subchapter II. Federal Benefit Payments Under District Retirement Programs. Back to Top
§ 1-803.01. Obligation of federal government to make benefit payments.
§ 1-803.02. Federal benefit payments described.
Subchapter III. Determinations and Review of Eligibility and Payments; Information Sharing. Back to Top
§ 1-805.01. Determination of eligibility for and amount of Federal benefit payments made by Trustee.
§ 1-805.02. Procedures for resolving claims arising from denied benefit payments.
§ 1-805.03. Transfer of and access to records of District Government.
§ 1-805.04. Federal information sharing for verification of benefit determinations.
Subchapter IV. District of Columbia Federal Pension Liability Trust Fund. Back to Top
§ 1-807.01. Creation of Trust Fund.
§ 1-807.02. Uses of amounts in Trust Fund.
§ 1-807.03. Transfer of assets and obligations of District Retirement Funds.
§ 1-807.04. Treatment of Trust Fund under certain laws.
§ 1-807.05. Administration through Trustee.
§ 1-807.06. Termination of trust fund.
Subchapter V. Responsibilities of District Government. Back to Top
§ 1-809.01. Interim administration.
§ 1-809.02. Replacement plan.
Subchapter VI. Financing of Benefit Payments After Depletion of Trust Fund. Back to Top
§ 1-811.01. Creation of Federal Supplemental Fund.
§ 1-811.02. Uses of amounts in Fund.
§ 1-811.03. Determination of annual payment into Federal Supplemental Fund.
§ 1-811.04. Determination of methodology for making payments.
§ 1-811.05. Special requirements upon discontinuation of Trust Fund.
§ 1-811.06. Termination of federal supplemental fund.
Subchapter VII. Reports. Back to Top
§ 1-813.01. Annual valuations and reports by enrolled actuary.
§ 1-813.02. Reports by Comptroller General.
Subchapter VIII. Judicial Enforcement. Back to Top
§ 1-815.01. Judicial review.
§ 1-815.02. Jurisdiction and venue.
§ 1-815.03. Statute of limitations.
§ 1-815.04. Treatment of misappropriation of fund amounts as Federal crime.
Subchapter IX. District of Columbia Federal Pension Fund. Back to Top
§ 1-817.01. Creation of fund.
§ 1-817.02. Uses of amounts in fund.
§ 1-817.03. Transfer of assets and obligations of trust fund and federal supplemental fund.
§ 1-817.04. Determination of annual federal payments into D.C. Federal Pension Fund.
§ 1-817.05. Administration through Pension Fund Trustee.
§ 1-817.06. Applicability of other provisions to D.C. Federal Pension Fund.
Subchapter X. Miscellaneous. Back to Top
§ 1-819.01. Coordination between Secretary, Trustee, and District Government.
§ 1-819.02. Study of alternatives for financing Federal obligations.
§ 1-819.03. Issuance of regulations by Secretary.
§ 1-819.04. Effect on Reform Act and other laws.
§ 1-819.05. [Reserved]
§ 1-819.06. Full faith and credit.
§ 1-819.07. Severability of provisions.
Subchapter XI. Applicability. Back to Top
§ 1-821.01. Transition from District of Columbia administration.