• Current through October 23, 2012

(a) The Unit will conduct its audit after the completion of each project, once the project has received a certificate of occupancy. Each project will only be audited one time.

(b) The Unit's reporting requirements that are submitted to the Council after the completion of the project and at the end of each fiscal year shall include an annual written report, including an executive summary, compiling the Unit's findings, which:

(1) Assesses the compliance and enforcement capacity of each District agency required to monitor and enforce requirements set forth in § 1-301.181(b), including the number of employees still needed to meet those requirements;

(2) Evaluates each project identifying relevant compliance requirements, such as which contract, procurement, or legislative mandates were met, or not met, and reasons for under-compliance or noncompliance; and

(3) Makes recommendations addressing problems with under-compliance and noncompliance with a goal of 100% compliance for all relevant contract, procurement, or legislative mandates.

(c) The Unit shall provide written and oral testimony to the Council on the findings for each project discussed in subsection (b) of this section at oversight hearings that are to be scheduled by the Council Chairperson at the request of the Unit.

(d) The Unit shall make public the names of any contractor found to be under-compliant or noncompliant after a correction period to be determined at the discretion of the Unit on a per-project basis.

(e) If the Unit's findings reveal under-compliance or noncompliance on a given project, the Unit is required to report such findings to the relevant District agency's director and the Council Chairperson. The relevant District agency shall be responsible for enforcing compliance of any violation found.

(f) Annual reports and written testimony from oversight hearings shall be made available to the general public on the Office of the District of Columbia Auditor's website.

(June 13, 2008, D.C. Law 17-176, § 4, 55 DCR 5390; Sept. 26, 2012, D.C. Law 19-171, § 5, 59 DCR 6190.)


Effect of Amendments

D.C. Law 19-171 validated a previously made technical correction in subsec. (c).

Legislative History of Laws

For Law 17-176, see notes following § 1-301.181.

For history of Law 19-171, see notes under § 1-125.

Miscellaneous Notes

Section 6 of Law 17-176 provides:

"This act shall apply upon the inclusion of its fiscal effect in an approved budget and financial plan."