Chapter 2. District of Columbia Home Rule.

Subchapter I. Short Title, Purposes, and Definitions. Back to Top
§ 1-201.01. Short Title.
§ 1-201.02. Purposes.
§ 1-201.03. Definitions.
Subchapter II. Governmental Reorganization. Back to Top
§ 1-202.01. Redevelopment Land Agency.
§ 1-202.02. National Capital Housing Authority.
§ 1-202.03. National Capital Planning Commission and Municipal Planning.[Omitted]
§ 1-202.04. District of Columbia Manpower Administration.
Subchapter III. District Charter Preamble, Legislative Power, and Charter Amending Procedure. Back to Top
§ 1-203.01. District charter preamble.
§ 1-203.02. Legislative power.
§ 1-203.03. Charter amending procedure.
Subchapter IV. The District Charter. Back to Top
Part A. The Council.
Subpart 1. Creation of the Council.
§ 1-204.01. Creation and membership.
§ 1-204.02. Qualifications for holding office.
§ 1-204.03. Compensation.
§ 1-204.04. Powers of the Council.
Subpart 2. Organization and Procedure of the Council.
§ 1-204.11. The Chairman.
§ 1-204.12. Acts, resolutions, and requirements for quorum.
§ 1-204.13. Investigations by the Council.
Part B. The Mayor.
§ 1-204.21. Election, qualifications, vacancy, and compensation.
§ 1-204.22. Powers and duties.
§ 1-204.23. Municipal planning.
Part Bi. Chief Financial Officer.
§ 1-204.24a. In general.
§ 1-204.24b. Appointment of the Chief Financial Officer.
§ 1-204.24c. Removal of the Chief FinanciaL Officer.--
§ 1-204.24d. Duties of the Chief Financial Officer.
§ 1-204.24e. Functions of Treasurer.
§ 1-204.24f. Definitions.
§ 1-204.25. Authority of Chief Financial Officer over Personnel of Office and Other Financial Personnel.
§ 1-204.26. Procurement authority of the Chief Financial Officer.
Part C. The Judiciary.
§ 1-204.31. Judicial powers.
§ 1-204.32. Removal, suspension, and involuntary retirement.
§ 1-204.33. Nomination and appointment of judges.
§ 1-204.34. District of Columbia Judicial Nomination Commission.
Part C-I. Election of the Attorney General.
§ 1-204.35. Election of the Attorney General.
Part D. District Budget and Financial Management.
Subpart 1. Budget and Financial Management.
§ 1-204.41. Fiscal year.
§ 1-204.42. Submission of annual budget.
§ 1-204.43. Multiyear plan.
§ 1-204.44. Multiyear capital improvements plan.
§ 1-204.45. District of Columbia courts' budget.
§ 1-204.45a. Water and Sewer Authority budget.
§ 1-204.46. Enactment of appropriations by Congress.
§ 1-204.46a. Permitting increase in amount appropriated as local funds during a fiscal year.
§ 1-204.46b. Acceptance of grant amounts not included in annual budget.
§ 1-204.47. Consistency of budget, accounting, and personnel systems.
§ 1-204.48. Financial duties of the Mayor.
§ 1-204.49. Accounting supervision and control.
§ 1-204.50. General and special funds.
§ 1-204.50a. Reserve funds.
§ 1-204.50b. Comprehensive Financial Management Policy.
§ 1-204.51. Special rules regarding certain contracts.
§ 1-204.52. Annual budget for the Board of Education.[Repealed]
§ 1-204.53. Reductions in budgets of independent agencies.
Subpart 2. Audits and Accountability Requirements.
§ 1-204.55. District of Columbia Auditor.
§ 1-204.56a. Performance and accountability plan.
§ 1-204.56b. Performance accountability report.
§ 1-204.56c. Financial accountability plan and report.
§ 1-204.56d. Quarterly financial reports.
§ 1-204.56e. Submission of Reports to District of Columbia Financial Responsibility and Assistance Authority.
Part E. Borrowing.
Subpart 1. Borrowing.
§ 1-204.61. Districts' authority to issue and redeem general obligation bonds for capital projects.
§ 1-204.62. Contents of borrowing legislation and elections on issuing general obligation bonds.
§ 1-204.63. General obligation bonds.
§ 1-204.64. Short period of limitation.
§ 1-204.65. Issuance of general obligation bonds.
§ 1-204.66. Public or private sale.
§ 1-204.67. Authority to create security interests in District revenues.
Subpart 2. Short-Term Borrowing.
§ 1-204.71. Borrowing to meet appropriations.
§ 1-204.72. Borrowing in anticipation of revenues.
§ 1-204.73. Notes redeemable prior to maturity.
§ 1-204.74. Sales of notes.
§ 1-204.75. Bond anticipation notes.
Subpart 3. Payment of Bonds and Notes.
§ 1-204.81. Special tax.
§ 1-204.82. Full faith and credit of the District.
§ 1-204.83. Payment of the general obligation bonds and notes.
Subpart 4. Full Faith and Credit of the United States.
§ 1-204.84. Full faith and credit of United States not pledged.
Subpart 5. Tax Exemptions; Legal Investment; Water Pollution; Reservoirs; Metro Contributions; and Revenue Bonds.
§ 1-204.85. Tax exemption.
§ 1-204.86. Legal investment.
§ 1-204.87. Water pollution.
§ 1-204.88. Cost of reservoirs on Potomac River.
§ 1-204.89. District's contributions to the Washington metropolitan area transit authority.
§ 1-204.90. Revenue bonds and other obligations.
Part F. Independent Agencies and Authorities.
§ 1-204.91. Board of Elections amendments.[Omitted]
§ 1-204.92. Zoning Commission amendments.[Omitted]
§ 1-204.93. Public Service Commission.
§ 1-204.94. Armory Board amendments.[Omitted]
§ 1-204.95. Board of Education.[Repealed]
§ 1-204.96. Independent Financial Management, Personnel, and Procurement authority of District of Columbia Water and sewer authority.
Part G. Initiatives, Referendums, and Recalls.
Subpart 1. Initiative and Referendum.
§ 1-204.101. Definitions.
§ 1-204.102. Process.
§ 1-204.103. Submission of measure at election.
§ 1-204.104. Rejection of measure.
§ 1-204.105. Approval of measure.
§ 1-204.106. Short title and summary.
§ 1-204.107. Adoption of acts to carry out subpart.
Subpart 2. Recall of Elected Officials.
§ 1-204.111. "Recall" defined.
§ 1-204.112. Process.
§ 1-204.113. Time limits on initiation of process.
§ 1-204.114. When official removed; filling of vacancies.
§ 1-204.115. Adoption of acts to carry out subpart.
Subchapter V. Federal Payment.[Repealed] Back to Top
§ 1-205.01. Duties of the Mayor, Council, and Federal Office of Management and Budget.[Repealed]
§ 1-205.02. Authorization of Appropriations.[Repealed]
§ 1-205.03. Federal payment formula.[Repealed]
Subchapter VI. Reservation of Congressional Authority. Back to Top
§ 1-206.01. Retention of constitutional authority.
§ 1-206.02. Limitations on the Council.
§ 1-206.03. Budget process; limitations on borrowing and spending.
§ 1-206.04. Congressional action on certain District matters.
Subchapter VII. Referendum; Succession in Government; Temporary Provisions; Miscellaneous; Amendments to District of Columbia Elections Act; Rules of Construction; and Effective Dates. Back to Top
Part A. Charter Referendum.
§ 1-207.01. Referendum.
§ 1-207.02. Board of Elections Authority.
§ 1-207.03. Referendum ballot and notice of voting.
§ 1-207.04. Acceptance or nonacceptance of Charter.
Part B. Succession in Government.
§ 1-207.11. Abolishment of existing government and transfer of functions.
§ 1-207.12. Certain delegated functions; functions of certain agencies.
§ 1-207.13. Transfer of personnel, property, and funds.
§ 1-207.14. Existing statutes, regulations, and other actions.
§ 1-207.15. Pending actions and proceedings.
§ 1-207.16. Vacancies resulting from abolishment of offices of Commissioner and Assistant to the Commissioner.
§ 1-207.17. Status of the District.
§ 1-207.18. Continuation of District of Columbia court system.
§ 1-207.19. Continuation of the Board of Education.
Part C. Temporary Provisions.
§ 1-207.21. Powers of the President during transitional period.
§ 1-207.22. Reimbursable appropriations for the District.
§ 1-207.23. Interim loan authority.
§ 1-207.24. Political participation in certain elections first held under this chapter.
Part D. Miscellaneous.
§ 1-207.31. Services between United States government and District government.
§ 1-207.32. Personal interest in contracts or transactions.
§ 1-207.33. Compensation from more than one source.
§ 1-207.34. Assistance of the United States Civil Service Commission in development of District merit system.
§ 1-207.35. Revenue Sharing Restrictions Amendment.[Omitted]
§ 1-207.36. Independent audit.
§ 1-207.37. Adjustments.
§ 1-207.38. Advisory neighborhood commissions.
§ 1-207.39. National Capital Service Area.
§ 1-207.40. Emergency control of police.
§ 1-207.41. Holding Office in the District.[Repealed]
§ 1-207.42. Open meetings.
§ 1-207.43. Termination of the District's Authority to Borrow from the Treasury.[Omitted]
Part E. Amendments to the District of Columbia Election Act Amendments.
§ 1-207.51. Amendments.[Omitted]
§ 1-207.52. District Council authority over elections.
Part F. Rules of Construction.
§ 1-207.61. Construction.
§ 1-207.62. Severability.
Part G. Effective Dates.
§ 1-207.71. Effective Dates.