Chapter 11. Election Campaigns; Lobbying; Conflict of Interest.[Repealed]

Subchapter I. General Provisions.[Repealed] Back to Top
Part A. Definitions.[Repealed]
§ 1-1101.01. Definitions.[Repealed]
Part B. Financial Disclosures.[Repealed]
§ 1-1102.01. Political committees.[Repealed]
§ 1-1102.02. Principal campaign committee.[Repealed]
§ 1-1102.03. Designation of campaign depositories; petty cash fund.[Repealed]
§ 1-1102.04. Statement of organization of political committees.[Repealed]
§ 1-1102.05. Registration statement of candidate; depository information.[Repealed]
§ 1-1102.06. Reports of receipts and expenditures by political committees and candidates.[Repealed]
§ 1-1102.07. Reports by others than political committees and candidates.[Repealed]
§ 1-1102.08. Formal requirements respecting reports and statements.[Repealed]
§ 1-1102.09. Exemption for total expenses under $500.[Repealed]
§ 1-1102.10. Identification of campaign literature.[Repealed]
§ 1-1102.11. Candidate's liability for financial obligation incurred by political committee.[Repealed]
Part C. Director of Campaign Finance.[Repealed]
§ 1-1103.01. Office of Director of Campaign Finance established; enforcement of subchapter.[Repealed]
§ 1-1103.02. Powers of Director.[Repealed]
§ 1-1103.03. Duties of Director.[Repealed]
§ 1-1103.04. Assistance of Comptroller General.[Repealed]
§ 1-1103.05. District of Columbia Board of Elections and Ethics created; penalties; advisory opinions.[Repealed]
Part D. Constituent Services.[Repealed]
§ 1-1104.01. General limitations.[Repealed]
§ 1-1104.02. "Person" defined.[Repealed]
§ 1-1104.03. Constituent services.[Repealed]
Part E. Lobbying.[Repealed]
§ 1-1105.01. Definitions.[Repealed]
§ 1-1105.02. Persons required to register.[Repealed]
§ 1-1105.03. Exceptions.[Repealed]
§ 1-1105.04. Registration form.[Repealed]
§ 1-1105.05. Activity reports.[Repealed]
§ 1-1105.06. Prohibited activities.[Repealed]
§ 1-1105.07. Penalties; prohibition from serving as lobbyist; citizen suits.[Repealed]
Part F. Conflict of Interest and Disclosure.[Repealed]
§ 1-1106.01. Conflict of interest.[Repealed]
§ 1-1106.02. Disclosure of financial interest.[Repealed]
Part F-I. Use of Government Resources for Campaign-Related Activities.[Repealed]
§ 1-1106.51. Prohibition on the use of District government resources for campaign related activities.[Repealed]
Part G. Miscellaneous Provisions.[Repealed]
§ 1-1107.01. Penalties; prosecutions.[Repealed]
§ 1-1107.01a. Document under oath.[Repealed]
§ 1-1107.02. Use of surplus campaign funds.[Repealed]
§ 1-1107.03. Authority of Council.[Repealed]
Part H. Limitations on Honoraria and Royalties.[Repealed]
§ 1-1108.01. Limitations on honoraria and royalties.[Repealed]
Subchapter II. Campaign Contribution Limitation.[Repealed] Back to Top
§ 1-1131.01. Contribution limitations.[Repealed]
§ 1-1131.02. Partnership contributions.[Repealed]
§ 1-1131.03. Reporting requirements.[Repealed]
Subchapter III. Exploratory Committee Regulation.[Repealed] Back to Top
§ 1-1151.01. Definitions.[Repealed]
§ 1-1151.02. Reports of exploratory committees.[Repealed]
§ 1-1151.03. Fund balance requirements.[Repealed]
§ 1-1151.04. Aggregate and individual contribution limits.[Repealed]
§ 1-1151.05. Contribution prohibition.[Repealed]
§ 1-1151.06. Time limit for the operation of an exploratory committee.[Repealed]