Chapter 26. Reporting of Injuries Caused by Firearms or Other Dangerous Weapons.

  • Current through October 23, 2012
  • Any physician in the District of Columbia, including persons licensed under Chapter 12 of Title 3, having reasonable cause to believe that a person brought to him or coming before him for examination, care, or treatment has suffered injury caused by a firearm, whether self-inflicted, accidental, or occurring during the commission of a crime, or has suffered injury caused by any dangerous weapon in the commission of a crime, shall report or cause reports to be made in accordance with this chapter; provided, that when a physician in the performance of service as a member of the staff of a hospital or similar institution attends any person so injured, he shall notify the person in charge of the hospital or institution or his designated agent who shall report or cause reports to be made in accordance with this chapter.

    (Nov. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 1355, Pub. L. 89-776, § 1; May 10, 1989, D.C. Law 7-231, § 7, 36 DCR 492.)


    Prior Codifications

    1981 Ed., § 2-1361.

    1973 Ed., § 2-181.

    Legislative History of Laws

    Law 7-231, the "Technical Amendments Act of 1988," was introduced in Council and assigned Bill No. 7-586, which was referred to the Committee of the Whole. The Bill was adopted on first and second readings on November 29, 1988 and December 13, 1988, respectively. Signed by the Mayor on January 6, 1989, it was assigned Act No. 7-285 and transmitted to both Houses of Congress for its review.

  • Current through October 23, 2012 Back to Top
  • An oral report shall be made immediately by telephone or otherwise, and followed as soon thereafter as possible by a report in writing, to the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia. Such reports shall contain, if readily available, the name, address, and age of the injured person, and shall also contain the nature and extent of the person's injuries, and any other information which the physician or other person required to make the report believes might be helpful in establishing the cause of the injuries and the identity of the person who caused the injuries.

    (Nov. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 1355, Pub. L. 89-775, § 2.)


    Prior Codifications

    1981 Ed., § 2-1362.

    1973 Ed., § 2-182.

  • Current through October 23, 2012 Back to Top
  • Any person, hospital, or institution participating in good faith in the making of a report pursuant to this chapter shall have immunity from any liability, civil or criminal, that might otherwise be incurred or imposed with respect to the making of such report. Any such participant shall have the same immunity with respect to participation in any judicial proceeding resulting from such report.

    (Nov. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 1355, Pub. L. 89-776, § 3.)


    Prior Codifications

    1981 Ed., § 2-1363.

    1973 Ed., § 2-183.