Part F. Rules.

  • Current through October 23, 2012
  • (a) The Mayor may, pursuant to subchapter I of Chapter 5 of Title 2, issue rules to implement the provisions of this subchapter within 90 days of June 27, 2000. The proposed rules shall be submitted to the Council for a 45-day period of review, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, legal holidays, and days of Council recess. If the Council does not approve or disapprove the proposed rules, in whole or in part, by resolution within this 45-day review period, the proposed rules shall be deemed approved.

    (b) All existing rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to this subchapter shall remain in effect until the rules promulgated pursuant to subsection (a) of this section become effective.

    (c) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, the Mayor shall have full authority to enforce the provisions of subchapter.

    (d)(1) Within 180 days of June 29, 2011, the Mayor, pursuant to subchapter I of Chapter 5 of Title 2, shall issue rules to implement the Families Together Amendment Act of 2010, effective September 24, 2010 (D.C. Law 18-228; 57 DCR 6926).

    (2) The proposed rules shall be submitted to the Council for a 30-day period of review, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, legal holidays, and days of Council recess. If the Council does not approve or disapprove the proposed rules, in whole or in part, by resolution within the 30-day review period, the proposed rules shall be deemed approved.

    (Sept. 23, 1977, D.C. Law 2-22, title VI, § 601, formerly § 341, as added June 27, 2000, D.C. Law 13-136, § 201(g), 47 DCR 2850; renumbered Mar. 2, 2007, D.C. Law 16-191, § 22(b), 53 DCR 6794; Sept. 24, 2010, D.C. Law 18- 228, § 2(c), 57 DCR 6926; Sept. 14, 2011, D.C. Law 19-21, § 5052(b), 58 DCR 6226.)


    Effect of Amendments

    D.C. Law 16-191 renumbered the section.

    D.C. Law 18-228 added subsec. (d).

    D.C. Law 19-21 rewrote subsec. (d)(1), which formerly read:

    "(d)(1) Within 180 days of September 24, 2010, the Mayor, pursuant to subchapter I of Chapter 5 of Title 2, shall issue rules to implement D.C. Law 18-228."

    Temporary Amendments of Section

    For temporary (225 day) amendment of section, see § 2(e), (f) of Adoption and Safe Families Temporary Amendment Act of 1999 (D.C. Law 13-56, March 7, 2000, law notification 47 DCR 1978).

    Emergency Act Amendments

    For temporary (90-day) addition of §§ 6-2109.1 to 6-2109.9 [1981 Ed.], see § 201(f) of the Adoption and Safe Families Emergency Amendment Act of 1999 (D.C. Act 13-117, July 28, 1999, 46 DCR 6558).

    For temporary (90-day) addition of §§ 6-2109.1 to 6-2109.9 [1981 Ed.], see § 201(f) of the Adoption and Safe Families Legislative Review Emergency Amendment Act of 1999 (D.C. Act 13-178, November 2, 1999, 46 DCR 9714).

    For temporary (90-day) addition of §§ 6-2109.1 to 6-2109.9 [1981 Ed.], see § 201(f) of the Adoption and Safe Families Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 1999 (D.C. Act 13-240, January 11, 2000, 47 DCR 556).

    For temporary (90 day) amendment of section, see § 5022(b) of Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Support Emergency Act of 2011 (D.C. Act 19-93, June 29, 2011, 58 DCR 5599).

    For temporary (90 day) repeal of section 3 of D.C. Law 18-228, see § 109 of Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Support Technical Clarification Emergency Amendment Act of 2012 (D.C. Act 19-482, October 10, 2012, 59 DCR 12478).

    Legislative History of Laws

    For Law 13-136, see notes following § 4-1305.01.

    For Law 16-191, see notes following § 4-204.61.

    For Law 18-228, see notes following § 4-1301.02.

    For history of Law 19-21, see notes under § 4-204.07.

    References in Text

    'Families Together amendment', referenced in subsection (d)(1) of the section, is D.C. Law 18-228.

    Miscellaneous Notes

    Section 3 of D.C. Law 18-228 provides:

    "Sec. 3. Applicability.

    "This act shall apply upon the inclusion of its fiscal effect in an approved budget and financial plan."

    The Budget Director of the Council of the District of Columbia has determined, as of February 15, 2012, that the fiscal effect of Law 18-228 has not been included in an approved budget and financial plan. Therefore, the provisions of this section, enacted by Law 18-228, are not in effect.

    The Budget Director of the Council of the District of Columbia has determined, as of October 10, 2012, that the fiscal effect of Title III of Law 18-228 has been included in an approved budget and financial plan. Therefore, the provisions of this section, enacted by Law 18-228, are in effect. Section 109 of Emergency Act 19-482 repealed section 3 of Law 18-228.