Subchapter III. Expansion to Universal Pre-K.

  • Current through October 23, 2012
  • (a) The OSSE shall conduct, by September 30th of each year, an evaluation of all pre-k programs to establish existing capacity.

    (b) By September 2009, and every 5 years thereafter, the OSSE shall submit to the Mayor and the Council a 5-year strategic expansion plan, including an assessment of the number of children interested in attending pre-k and the District's fiscal and physical capacity to accommodate them.

    (c) Beginning in September 2009, and each year thereafter, OSSE shall submit to the Mayor and the Council an implementation plan for the following school year to expand pre-k to the maximum extent possible, but shall expand pre-k each year to accommodate a minimum of 15% of the unserved children, based on the strategic expansion plan, until pre-k programs are available to all children of pre-k age whose parents choose to send them to pre-k.

    (d)(1) During the expansion to universal pre-k, OSSE shall use its best efforts to:

    (A) Ensure that over a 5-year period a minimum of 25% of all new pre-k programs are operated by CBOs; and

    (B) Maintain a balance of diversity among the children.

    (2) For the purpose of this subsection, "diversity" means a mix of children:

    (A) From families of different income levels;

    (B) With, and without, disabilities or special needs; and

    (C) Whose first language is, and is not, English.

    (e) A pre-k program established following July 18, 2008, shall comply with the HQ standards, established pursuant to, respectively, §§ 38-271.02(b)(4) and 38-272.01(b), upon the effective date of the HQ standards.

    (July 18, 2008, D.C. Law 17-202, § 301, 55 DCR 6297.)


    Legislative History of Laws

    For Law 17-202, see notes following § 38-271.01.

  • Current through October 23, 2012 Back to Top
  • (a) To be eligible for enrollment in pre-k, a child shall be a resident of the District and be of pre-k age, or become 3 years of age on or before September 30th of the program year.

    (b) Except as provided in subsection (c) of this section, priority enrollment shall be first to children who live within the school's attendance zone boundary, as established pursuant to law and regulation, if applicable, and then to children whose family income is between 130% and 250% of federal poverty guidelines, and to children whose family income is below 130% who are not served by existing programs.

    (c) Enrollment for pre-k programs in District of Columbia Public Charter Schools shall be conducted according to the admission and enrollment provisions of § 38-1802.06.

    (July 18, 2008, D.C. Law 17-202, § 302, 55 DCR 6297; Mar. 25, 2009, D.C. Law 17-353, § 306, 56 DCR 1117; Sept. 24, 2010, D.C. Law 18-223, § 4002, 57 DCR 6242.)


    Effect of Amendments

    D.C. Law 17-353 validated a previously made technical correction in the subsec. (b).

    D.C. Law 18-223, in subsec. (b), substituted "Except as provided in subsection (c) of this section, priority enrollment" for "Priority enrollment"; and added subsec. (c).

    Temporary Amendments of Section

    Section 2(f) of D.C. Law 18-142, in subsec. (b), substituted "then, if applicable, to children" for "then to children".

    Section 5(a) of D.C. Law 18-142 provides that the act shall expire after 225 days of its having taken effect.

    Emergency Act Amendments

    For temporary (90 day) amendment of section, see § 2(f) of Pre-K Acceleration and Clarification Emergency Amendment Act of 2009 (D.C. Act 18-304, January 28, 2010, 57 DCR 1475).

    For temporary (90 day) amendment of section, see § 4002 of Fiscal Year 2011 Budget Support Emergency Act of 2010 (D.C. Act 18-463, July 2, 2010, 57 DCR 6542).

    Legislative History of Laws

    For Law 17-202, see notes following § 38-271.01.

    For Law 17-353, see notes following § 38-102.

    For Law 18-223, see notes following § 38-103.

    Miscellaneous Notes

    Short title: Section 4001 of D.C. Law 18-223 provided that subtitle A of title IV of the act may be cited as the "Pre-k Enrollment Amendment Act of 2010".