Subchapter I. Steam Boilers.

  • Current through October 23, 2012
  • This subchapter may be cited as the "Boiler Inspection Act of the District of Columbia."

    (June 25, 1936, 49 Stat. 1917, ch. 802, § 1.)


    Prior Codifications

    1981 Ed., § 1-1001.

    1973 Ed., § 1-701.

  • Current through October 23, 2012 Back to Top
  • Wherever the word "person" is used in this subchapter it shall include individuals, firms, partnerships, associations, and corporations.

    (June 25, 1936, 49 Stat. 1917, ch. 802, § 2.)


    Prior Codifications

    1981 Ed., § 1-1002.

    1973 Ed., § 1-702.

  • Current through October 23, 2012 Back to Top
  • There is hereby constituted a Boiler Inspection Service in the Department of Licenses, Investigation and Inspections of the District of Columbia, to be composed of the following: (1) A Boiler Inspector who shall be qualified by training and experience in the construction and operation of steam boilers and unfired pressure vessels, and who, under an official designated by the Mayor of the District of Columbia, shall have charge of the enforcement of the provisions of this subchapter and of the regulations promulgated hereunder; and (2) such other employees as may be necessary for the proper performance of the work. All such officials and employees shall be appointed by the Mayor of the District of Columbia.

    (June 25, 1936, 49 Stat. 1917, ch. 802, § 3.)


    Prior Codifications

    1981 Ed., § 1-1003.

    1973 Ed., § 1-703.

    Change in Government

    This section originated at a time when local government powers were delegated to a Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia (see Acts Relating to the Establishment of the District of Columbia and its Various Forms of Governmental Organization in Volume 1). Section 401 of Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1967 (see Reorganization Plans in Volume 1) transferred all of the functions of the Board of Commissioners under this section to a single Commissioner. The District of Columbia Self-Government and Governmental Reorganization Act, 87 Stat. 818, § 711 (D.C. Code, § 1-207.11), abolished the District of Columbia Council and the Office of Commissioner of the District of Columbia. These branches of government were replaced by the Council of the District of Columbia and the Office of Mayor of the District of Columbia, respectively. Accordingly, and also pursuant to § 714(a) of such Act (D.C. Code, § 1-207.14(a)), appropriate changes in terminology were made in this section.

    Miscellaneous Notes

    Department of Inspections abolished: The Department of Inspections was abolished and the function thereof transferred to the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia by Reorganization Plan No. 5 of 1952. Reorganization Order No. 55 of the Board of Commissioners, dated June 30, 1953, and amended August 13, 1953, and December 17, 1953, established under the direction and control of a Commissioner, a Department of Licenses and Inspections headed by a Director. The Order set out the purpose, organization, and functions of the new Department. The Order provided that all of the functions and positions of the following named organizations were transferred to the new Department of Licenses and Inspections: The Department of Inspections including the Engineering Section, the Building Inspection Section, the Electrical Section, the Elevator Inspection Section, the Fire Safety Inspection Section, the Plumbing Inspection Section, the Smoke and Boiler Inspection Section, and the Administrative Section, and similarly the Department of Weights, Measures and Markets, the License Bureau, the License Board, the License Committee, the Board of Special Appeals, the Board for the Condemnation of Dangerous and Unsafe Buildings, and the Central Permit Bureau. The Order provided that in accordance with the provisions of Reorganization Plan No. 5 of 1952, the named organizations were abolished. The executive functions of the Board of Commissioners were transferred to the Commissioner of the District of Columbia by § 401 of Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1967. Functions vested in the Department of Licenses and Inspection by Reorganization Order No. 55 were transferred to the Director of the Department of Economic Development by Commissioner's Order No. 69-96, dated March 7, 1969. The Department of Economic Development was replaced by Mayor's Order No. 78-42, dated February 17, 1978, which Order established the Department of Licenses, Investigation and Inspections. The functions of the Department of Licenses, Investigations, and Inspections were transferred to the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs by Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1983, effective March 31, 1983.

  • Current through October 23, 2012 Back to Top
  • The said Inspector shall give bond, with 2 sufficient securities, to be approved by the Mayor, in the sum of $2,000, and he shall take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation before a notary public or a judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia: "I do solemnly swear that I will diligently, faithfully, and impartially execute the duties of my office without favor."

    (Leg. Assem., June 25, 1873, ch. 25, § 4; July 8, 1963, 77 Stat. 77, Pub. L. 88-60, § 1; July 29, 1970, 84 Stat. 570, Pub. L. 91-358, title I, § 155(a).)


    Prior Codifications

    1981 Ed., § 1-1004.

    1973 Ed., § 1-704.

    Change in Government

    This section originated at a time when local government powers were delegated to a Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia (see Acts Relating to the Establishment of the District of Columbia and its Various Forms of Governmental Organization in Volume 1). Section 401 of Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1967 (see Reorganization Plans in Volume 1) transferred all of the functions of the Board of Commissioners under this section to a single Commissioner. The District of Columbia Self-Government and Governmental Reorganization Act, 87 Stat. 818, § 711 (D.C. Code, § 1-207.11), abolished the District of Columbia Council and the Office of Commissioner of the District of Columbia. These branches of government were replaced by the Council of the District of Columbia and the Office of Mayor of the District of Columbia, respectively. Accordingly, and also pursuant to § 714(a) of such Act (D.C. Code, § 1-207.14(a)), appropriate changes in terminology were made in this section.

  • Current through October 23, 2012 Back to Top
  • No person shall use or cause to be used any steam boiler operating at a pressure in excess of 15 pounds per square inch, or operating at a pressure less than 15 pounds per square inch unless provided with an unassisted gravity return, or any unfired pressure vessel operating at a pressure in excess of 60 pounds per square inch and having a capacity in excess of 15 gallons, except such vessels as may be exempted by the Council of the District of Columbia, without having first obtained a certificate of inspection from the Boiler Inspector.

    (June 25, 1936, 49 Stat. 1917, ch. 802, § 4.)


    Prior Codifications

    1981 Ed., § 1-1005.

    1973 Ed., § 1-705.

    Change in Government

    This section originated at a time when local government powers were delegated to a Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia (see Acts Relating to the Establishment of the District of Columbia and its Various Forms of Governmental Organization in Volume 1). Section 402(23) of Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1967 (see Reorganization Plans in Volume 1) transferred all of the functions of the Board of Commissioners under this section to the District of Columbia Council, subject to the right of the Commissioner as provided in § 406 of the Plan. The District of Columbia Self-Government and Governmental Reorganization Act, 87 Stat. 818, § 711 (D.C. Code, § 1-207.11), abolished the District of Columbia Council and the Office of Commissioner of the District of Columbia. These branches of government were replaced by the Council of the District of Columbia and the Office of Mayor of the District of Columbia, respectively. Accordingly, and also pursuant to § 714(a) of such Act (D.C. Code, § 1-207.14(a)), appropriate changes in terminology were made in this section.

  • Current through October 23, 2012 Back to Top
  • No person shall operate or cause to be operated any boiler or unfired pressure vessel, referred to in § 2-105, at a pressure greater than that permitted by the certificate of inspection, or while feed pumps, gauges, cocks, valves, or automatic safety-control devices are not in proper working condition, or in violation of any of the regulations promulgated hereunder by the Council of the District of Columbia.

    (June 25, 1936, 49 Stat. 1918, ch. 802, § 5.)


    Prior Codifications

    1981 Ed., § 1-1006.

    1973 Ed., § 1-706.

    Change in Government

    This section originated at a time when local government powers were delegated to a Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia (see Acts Relating to the Establishment of the District of Columbia and its Various Forms of Governmental Organization in Volume 1). Section 401 of Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1967 (see Reorganization Plans in Volume 1) transferred all of the functions of the Board of Commissioners under this section to a single Commissioner. The District of Columbia Self-Government and Governmental Reorganization Act, 87 Stat. 818, § 711 (D.C. Code, § 1-207.11), abolished the District of Columbia Council and the Office of Commissioner of the District of Columbia. These branches of government were replaced by the Council of the District of Columbia and the Office of Mayor of the District of Columbia, respectively. Accordingly, and also pursuant to § 714(a) of such Act (D.C. Code, § 1-207.14(a)), appropriate changes in terminology were made in this section.

  • Current through October 23, 2012 Back to Top
  • The Boiler Inspector, or one of his assistants, shall inspect annually all boilers and unfired pressure vessels for which a certificate of inspection is required by § 1-1005 and shall determine by actual tests the condition thereof from the standpoint of safety and fitness for operation. If such boiler or vessel be safe and fit for operation, the Boiler Inspector shall issue the certificate of inspection which shall state, among other things, the pressure per square inch such boiler or vessel may be allowed to carry. This certificate of inspection shall be displayed in a conspicuous place in close proximity to the boiler or vessel covered thereby. In the case of a steam boiler or unfired pressure vessel which is regularly insured and inspected at least once a year by an insurance company duly licensed in the District of Columbia and approved by the Mayor of the said District as to its inspection service where a report of such inspection filed within 30 days after such inspection with the Boiler Inspector shows any such boiler or unfired pressure vessel to be in a safe and insurable condition, such inspection and report shall take the place of the inspection hereinbefore provided and the certificate of inspection may be issued upon such report. Insurance companies shall report to the inspectors the cancelation of insurance of any certificate holder.

    (June 25, 1936, 49 Stat. 1918, ch. 802, § 6.)


    Prior Codifications

    1981 Ed., § 1-1007.

    1973 Ed., § 1-707.

    Change in Government

    This section originated at a time when local government powers were delegated to a Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia (see Acts Relating to the Establishment of the District of Columbia and its Various Forms of Governmental Organization in Volume 1). Section 401 of Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1967 (see Reorganization Plans in Volume 1) transferred all of the functions of the Board of Commissioners under this section to a single Commissioner. The District of Columbia Self-Government and Governmental Reorganization Act, 87 Stat. 818, § 711 (D.C. Code, § 1-207.11), abolished the District of Columbia Council and the Office of Commissioner of the District of Columbia. These branches of government were replaced by the Council of the District of Columbia and the Office of Mayor of the District of Columbia, respectively. Accordingly, and also pursuant to § 714(a) of such Act (D.C. Code, § 1-207.14(a)), appropriate changes in terminology were made in this section.

  • Current through October 23, 2012 Back to Top
  • The Boiler Inspector may in his discretion revoke or suspend the certificate of inspection provided in § 2-105 if at any time he shall find any boiler or unfired pressure vessel covered by such certificate to be unsafe or unfit for operation.

    (June 25, 1936, 49 Stat. 1918, ch. 802, § 7.)


    Prior Codifications

    1981 Ed., § 1-1008.

    1973 Ed., § 1-708.

  • Current through October 23, 2012 Back to Top
  • Steam boilers and unfired pressure vessels located in or upon boats or vessels or other floating equipment, or boats or vessels owned or operated by the United States, or upon locomotives, street cars, busses, or other vehicles, operated under the regulations of any federal agency or the Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia, shall be exempt from the provisions of this subchapter.

    (June 25, 1936, 49 Stat. 1918, ch. 802, § 8; Aug. 30, 1964, 78 Stat. 634, Pub. L. 88-503, § 21.)


    Prior Codifications

    1981 Ed., § 1-1009.

    1973 Ed., § 1-709.

  • Current through October 23, 2012 Back to Top
  • There shall be paid to the Director of the Department of Finance and Revenue of the District of Columbia by the owner or user, for the issuance of a certificate as required by this subchapter, fees to be fixed from time to time by the Mayor of the District of Columbia for the annual inspection of each steam boiler or unfired pressure vessel, commensurate with the cost of inspection, with power to fix higher fees for the issuance of a certificate where the inspection in connection therewith is made on a Sunday or legal holiday. When an inspection report is filed by an insurance company with the said Boiler Inspector showing that a boiler or unfired pressure vessel has been inspected and found to be in a safe and insurable condition as provided in § 2-107, the owner or user of such insured and inspected boiler or unfired vessels shall be exempt from the payment of all fees with the exception that there shall be paid to the Director of the Department of Finance and Revenue of the District of Columbia a fee of $1 by the owner or user prior to the issuance of a certificate of inspection. No such certificate shall be valid after the boiler or unfired pressure vessel shall cease to be insured by an insurance company authorized as provided in § 2-107.

    (June 25, 1936, 49 Stat. 1918, ch. 802, § 9.)


    Prior Codifications

    1981 Ed., § 1-1010.

    1973 Ed., § 1-710.

    References in Text

    Pursuant to the Office of the Chief Financial Officer's "Notice of Public Interest" published in the April 18, 1997, issue of the District of Columbia Register (44 DCR 2345) the Office of Tax and Revenue assumed all of the duties and functions previously performed by the Department of Finance and Revenue, as set forth in Commissioner's Order 69-96, dated March 7, 1969. This action was made effective January 22, 1997, nunc pro tunc.

    Change in Government

    This section originated at a time when local government powers were delegated to a Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia (see Acts Relating to the Establishment of the District of Columbia and its Various Forms of Governmental Organization in Volume 1). Section 401 of Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1967 (see Reorganization Plans in Volume 1) transferred all of the functions of the Board of Commissioners under this section to a single Commissioner. The District of Columbia Self-Government and Governmental Reorganization Act, 87 Stat. 818, § 711 (D.C. Code, § 1-207.11), abolished the District of Columbia Council and the Office of Commissioner of the District of Columbia. These branches of government were replaced by the Council of the District of Columbia and the Office of Mayor of the District of Columbia, respectively. Accordingly, and also pursuant to § 714(a) of such Act (D.C. Code, § 1-207.14(a)), appropriate changes in terminology were made in this section.

    Miscellaneous Notes

    Office of Collector of Taxes abolished: The Office of the Collector of Taxes was abolished and the functions thereof transferred to the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia by Reorganization Plan No. 5 of 1952. All functions of the Office of the Collector of Taxes including the functions of all officers, employees and subordinate agencies were transferred to the Director. Department of General Administration by Reorganization Order No. 3, dated August 28, 1952. Reorganization Order No. 20, dated November 10, 1952, transferred the functions of the Collector of Taxes to the Finance Office. The same Order provided for the Office of the Collector of Taxes headed by a Collector in the Finance Office, and abolished the previously existing Office of the Collector of Taxes. Reorganization Order No. 20 was superseded and replaced by Organization Order No. 121, dated December 12, 1957, which provided that the Finance Office (consisting of the Office of the Finance Officer, Property Tax Division, Revenue Division, Treasury Division, Accounting Division, and Data Processing Division) would continue under the direction and control of the Director of General Administration, and that the Treasury Division would perform the function of collecting revenues of the District of Columbia and depositing the same with the Treasurer of the United States. Organization Order No. 121, was revoked by Organization Order No. 3, dated December 13, 1967, Part IVC of which prescribed the functions of the Finance Office within a newly established Department of General Administration. The executive functions of the Board of Commissioners were transferred to the Commissioner of the District of Columbia by § 401 of Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1967. Functions of the Finance Office as stated in Part IVC of Organization Order No. 3 were transferred to the Director of the Department of Finance and Revenue by Commissioner's Order No. 69-96, dated March 7, 1969. The collection functions of the Director of the Department of Finance and Revenue were transferred to the District of Columbia Treasurer by § 47-316 on March 5, 1981.

  • Current through October 23, 2012 Back to Top
  • The Boiler Inspector and his assistants shall have the right to enter, in the performance of his or their duties, at all reasonable hours, all premises on which a steam boiler or unfired pressure vessel is being installed, operated, or maintained, and it shall be unlawful for any person to deny admittance to any such Inspector or assistant or to interfere with him or them in the performance of his or their duties.

    (June 25, 1936, 49 Stat. 1919, ch. 802, § 10.)


    Prior Codifications

    1981 Ed., § 1-1011.

    1973 Ed., § 1-711.

  • Current through October 23, 2012 Back to Top
  • The Boiler Inspector shall keep in the office of the Boiler Inspection Service all applications made, and a complete record thereof, as well as of all certificates issued. He shall also keep a complete record of each boiler and unfired pressure vessel inspected, and such other records and data pertaining to the Boiler Inspection Service as may be directed by the Mayor of the District of Columbia.

    (June 25, 1936, 49 Stat. 1919, ch. 802, § 11.)


    Prior Codifications

    1981 Ed., § 1-1012.

    1973 Ed., § 1-712.

    Change in Government

    This section originated at a time when local government powers were delegated to a Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia (see Acts Relating to the Establishment of the District of Columbia and its Various Forms of Governmental Organization in Volume 1). Section 401 of Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1967 (see Reorganization Plans in Volume 1) transferred all of the functions of the Board of Commissioners under this section to a single Commissioner. The District of Columbia Self-Government and Governmental Reorganization Act, 87 Stat. 818, § 711 (D.C. Code, § 1-207.11), abolished the District of Columbia Council and the Office of Commissioner of the District of Columbia. These branches of government were replaced by the Council of the District of Columbia and the Office of Mayor of the District of Columbia, respectively. Accordingly, and also pursuant to § 714(a) of such Act (D.C. Code, § 1-207.14(a)), appropriate changes in terminology were made in this section.

  • Current through October 23, 2012 Back to Top
  • The use of any steam boiler or unfired pressure vessel in violation of any of the prohibitions or requirements of this subchapter, or of the regulations promulgated under the authority hereof, shall constitute a common nuisance and the Corporation Counsel of the District of Columbia may maintain an action in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, in the name of the District of Columbia, to abate and perpetually enjoin such nuisance.

    (June 25, 1936, 49 Stat. 1919, ch. 802, § 12; June 25, 1936, 49 Stat. 1921, ch. 804; June 25, 1948, 62 Stat. 991, ch. 646, § 32(b); May 24, 1949, 63 Stat. 107, ch. 139, § 127; July 29, 1970, 84 Stat. 570, Pub. L. 91-358, title I, § 155(c)(2).)


    Prior Codifications

    1981 Ed., § 1-1013.

    1973 Ed., § 1-713.

  • Current through October 23, 2012 Back to Top
  • If any person shall violate any one or more of the provisions of this subchapter or of regulations duly promulgated hereunder, the Corporation Counsel of the District of Columbia, or any of his assistants, shall file an information in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia in the name of the District of Columbia, and upon conviction such persons shall be subject to a fine not to exceed $100 or to imprisonment for not more than 90 days, or both, for each and every violation thereof, and each violation shall constitute a separate offense. Civil fines, penalties, and fees may be imposed as alternative sanctions for any infraction of the provisions of this subchapter, or any rules or regulations issued under the authority of this subchapter, pursuant to Chapter 18 of Title 2. Adjudication of any infraction of this subchapter shall be pursuant to Chapter 18 of Title 2.

    (June 25, 1936, 49 Stat. 1919, ch. 802, § 13; Apr. 1, 1942, 56 Stat. 190, ch. 207, § 1; July 8, 1963, 77 Stat. 77, Pub. L. 88-60, § 1; July 29, 1970, 84 Stat. 570, Pub. L. 91-358, title I, § 155(a); Oct. 5, 1985, D.C. Law 6- 42, § 454, 32 DCR 4450.)


    Prior Codifications

    1981 Ed., § 1-1014.

    1973 Ed., § 1-714.

    Legislative History of Laws

    Law 6-42 was introduced in Council and assigned Bill No. 6-187, which was referred to the Committee on Consumer and Regulatory Affairs. The Bill was adopted on first and second readings on June 25, 1985, and July 9, 1985, respectively. Signed by the Mayor on July 16, 1985, it was assigned Act No. 6- 60 and transmitted to both Houses of Congress for its review.

  • Current through October 23, 2012 Back to Top
  • The Council of the District of Columbia is hereby authorized and empowered to make such regulations as it may deem proper to carry out the provisions of this subchapter and the Mayor of the District of Columbia is hereby authorized and empowered to fix the fees herein provided.

    (June 25, 1936, 49 Stat. 1919, ch. 802, § 14.)


    Prior Codifications

    1981 Ed., § 1-1015.

    1973 Ed., § 1-715.

    Change in Government

    This section originated at a time when local government powers were delegated to a Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia (see Acts Relating to the Establishment of the District of Columbia and its Various Forms of Governmental Organization in Volume 1). Section 402(24) of Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1967 (see Reorganization Plans in Volume 1) transferred all of the functions of the Board of Commissioners under this section to the District of Columbia Council, subject to the right of the Commissioner as provided in § 406 of the Plan. The District of Columbia Self-Government and Governmental Reorganization Act, 87 Stat. 818, § 711 (D.C. Code, § 1-207.11), abolished the District of Columbia Council and the Office of Commissioner of the District of Columbia. These branches of government were replaced by the Council of the District of Columbia and the Office of Mayor of the District of Columbia, respectively. Accordingly, and also pursuant to § 714(a) of such Act (D.C. Code, § 1-207.14(a)), appropriate changes in terminology were made in this section.

  • Current through October 23, 2012 Back to Top
  • All laws or parts of laws relating to boiler inspection in conflict with the provisions of this subchapter are hereby repealed: Provided, that no provision of this subchapter shall be deemed to amend, alter, or repeal §§ 3-2701 to 3-2707.

    (June 25, 1936, 49 Stat. 1919, ch. 802, § 15.)


    Prior Codifications

    1981 Ed., § 1-1016.

    1973 Ed., § 1-716.

    Editor's Notes

    D.C. Law 6-42 added § 2-2408 [§ 3-2708, 2001 Ed.] to the chapter referred to in the text.

  • Current through October 23, 2012 Back to Top
  • If any provision of this subchapter or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of said sections which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of said sections are declared to be severable.

    (June 25, 1936, 49 Stat. 1919, ch. 802, § 16.)


    Prior Codifications

    1981 Ed., § 1-1017.

    1973 Ed., § 1-717.

  • Current through October 23, 2012 Back to Top
  • This subchapter shall become effective 6 months from the date of their approval. The regulations and schedule of fees herein provided for shall be promulgated by the Council of the District of Columbia and the Mayor of the District of Columbia, respectively, and printed in one or more of the daily newspapers published in the said District but shall not be enforced until 30 days after such publication or until December 25, 1936. Amendments to the regulations or new or additional schedules of fees, when and as the same may be adopted, shall likewise be printed in one or more of the daily newspapers published in the said District and no penalty for violation thereof or payment of new or additional fees prescribed shall be enforced until 30 days after such publication.

    (June 25, 1936, 49 Stat. 1919, ch. 802, § 17.)


    Prior Codifications

    1981 Ed., § 1-1018.

    1973 Ed., § 1-718.

    Change in Government

    This section originated at a time when local government powers were delegated to a Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia (see Acts Relating to the Establishment of the District of Columbia and its Various Forms of Governmental Organization in Volume 1). Section 401 of Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1967 (see Reorganization Plans in Volume 1) transferred all of the functions of the Board of Commissioners under this section to a single Commissioner. The District of Columbia Self-Government and Governmental Reorganization Act, 87 Stat. 818, § 711 (D.C. Code, § 1-207.11), abolished the District of Columbia Council and the Office of Commissioner of the District of Columbia. These branches of government were replaced by the Council of the District of Columbia and the Office of Mayor of the District of Columbia, respectively. Accordingly, and also pursuant to § 714(a) of such Act (D.C. Code, § 1-207.14(a)), appropriate changes in terminology were made in this section.