Part C. Legal Defense Funds.

  • Current through October 23, 2012
  • (a)(1) One legal defense committee and one legal defense checking account shall be established and maintained for the purpose of soliciting, accepting, and spending legal defense funds, which funds may be spent to defray attorney's fees and other related costs for a public official's legal defense to one or more civil, criminal, or administrative proceedings. No committee, fund, entity, or trust may be established to defray professional fees and costs except pursuant to this section.

    (2) Attorney's fees and other related legal costs shall not include, for example, expenses for fundraising, media or political consulting fees, mass mailing or other advertising, or a payment or reimbursement for a fine, penalty, judgment or settlement, or a payment to return or disgorge contributions made to any other committee controlled by the candidate or officer.

    (b) Each legal defense committee shall file with the Director of Campaign Finance a statement of organization within 10 days after its organization, which shall include:

    (1) The name and address of the legal defense committee;

    (2) The name, address, and position of the custodian of books and accounts;

    (3) The name, address, and position of other principal officers;

    (4) The beneficiary of the legal defense committee and checking account;

    (5) The name and address of the bank designated by the committee as the legal defense committee depository, together with the title and number of the checking account and safety deposit box used by that committee at the depository, and the identification of each individual authorized to make withdrawals or payments out of each such account or box; and

    (6) Other information as shall be required by the Director of Campaign Finance.

    (c) Any change in information previously submitted in a statement of organization shall be reported to the Director of Campaign Finance within the 10-day period following the change.

    (d) Any legal defense committee which, after having filed one or more statements of organization, disbands or determines it will no longer receive contributions or make expenditures during the calendar year shall so notify the Director of Campaign Finance.

    (e) Any balance in the legal defense committee fund shall be transferred only to a nonprofit organization, within the meaning of section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code, operating in good standing in the District of Columbia for a minimum of one calendar year before the date of any transfer, or to a constituent-service program pursuant to § 1-1163.38.

    (Apr. 27, 2012, D.C. Law 19-124, § 328, 59 DCR 1862.)


    Legislative History of Laws

    For history of Law 19-124, see notes under § 1-1161.01.

  • Current through October 23, 2012 Back to Top
  • (a) Each legal defense committee shall have a chairman and a treasurer. No contribution and no expenditure shall be accepted or made by or on behalf of a legal defense committee at a time when there is a vacancy in the office of treasurer for the committee and no other person has been designated and has agreed to perform the functions of treasurer. No expenditure shall be made for or on behalf of a legal defense committee without the authorization of its chairman or treasurer, or their designated agents.

    (b) Every person who receives a contribution of $50 or more for or on behalf of a legal defense committee shall, on demand of the treasurer, and in any event within 5 days after receipt of the contribution, submit to the treasurer of the committee a detailed account thereof, including the amount, the name and address (including the occupation and the principal place of business, if any) of the person making the contribution, and the date on which the contribution was received. All funds of a legal defense committee shall be segregated from, and may not be commingled with, any personal funds of officers, members, or associates of such committee.

    (c) The treasurer of a legal defense committee, and each beneficiary, shall keep a detailed and exact account of:

    (1) All contributions made to or for the legal defense committee;

    (2) The full name and mailing address (including the occupation and the principal place of business, if any) of every person making a contribution of $50 or more, and the date and amount of the contribution;

    (3) All expenditures made by or on behalf of the legal defense committee; and

    (4) The full name and mailing address (including the occupation and the principal place of business, if any) of every person to whom any expenditure is made, the date and amount thereof, and the name and address of, and office sought by, each candidate on whose behalf such expenditure was made.

    (d) The treasurer or beneficiary shall obtain and preserve such receipted bills and records as may be required by the Elections Board.

    (e)(1) No person shall make any contribution to or for a legal defense committee which, when aggregated with all other contributions to or for the legal defense committee received from the person, exceeds $10,000 in an aggregate amount; provided, that the $10,000 limitation shall not apply to contributions made by a public official for the purpose of funding his or her own legal defense committee within the District of Columbia.

    (2) No contributions to a legal defense committee shall be made by a lobbyist or registrant or by a person acting on behalf of the lobbyist or registrant.

    (3) A legal defense committee shall not accept a contribution from a lobbyist or registrant or by a person acting on behalf of the lobbyist or registrant.

    (Apr. 27, 2012, D.C. Law 19-124, § 329, 59 DCR 1862.)


    Legislative History of Laws

    For history of Law 19-124, see notes under § 1-1161.01.

  • Current through October 23, 2012 Back to Top
  • Each legal defense committee accepting contributions or making expenditures shall designate in the registration statement required under § 1-1163.28, one or more banks located in the District of Columbia as the legal defense depository or depositories of that legal defense committee. Each committee shall maintain a checking account or accounts at the depository or depositories and shall deposit any contributions received by the committee into that account or accounts. No expenditures may be made by a committee except by check drawn payable to the person to whom the expenditure is being made on that account.

    (Apr. 27, 2012, D.C. Law 19-124, § 330, 59 DCR 1862.)


    Legislative History of Laws

    For history of Law 19-124, see notes under § 1-1161.01.

  • Current through October 23, 2012 Back to Top
  • (a) The treasurer of each legal defense committee shall file with the Director of Campaign Finance, and with the applicable principal campaign committee, reports of receipts and expenditures on forms to be prescribed or approved by the Director of Campaign Finance. The reports shall be filed within 30 days after the committee's organization and every 30 days thereafter in each year. The reports shall be complete as of a date as prescribed by the Director of Campaign Finance, which shall not be more than 5 days before the date of filing, except that any contribution of $200 or more received after the closing date prescribed by the Director of Campaign Finance for the last report required to be filed before the election shall be reported within 24 hours after its receipt.

    (b) Each report under this section shall disclose:

    (1) The amount of cash on hand at the beginning of the reporting period;

    (2) The full name and mailing address (including the occupation and the principal place of business, if any) of each person who has made one or more contributions to or for a committee within the calendar year in an aggregate amount or value in excess of $50 or more, together with the amount and date of the contributions;

    (3) The total sum of individual contributions made to or for a committee or candidate during the reporting period and not reported under paragraph (2) of this subsection;

    (4) Each loan to or from any person within the calendar year in an aggregate amount or values of $50 or more, together with the full names and mailing addresses (including the occupation and the principal place of business, if any) of the lender and endorsers, if any, and the date and amount of the loans;

    (5) The total sum of all receipts by or for a committee during the reporting period;

    (6) The full name and mailing address (including the occupation and the principal place of business, if any) of each person to whom expenditures have been made by a committee or on behalf of a committee within the calendar year in an aggregate amount or value of $10 or more;

    (7) The total sum of expenditures made by a committee during the calendar year;

    (8) The amount and nature of debts and obligations owed by or to the committee, in a form as prescribed by the Director of Campaign Finance; and

    (9) Other information as may be required by the Director of Campaign Finance.

    (c) The reports to be filed under subsection (a) of this section shall be cumulative during the calendar year to which they relate, but where there has been no change in an item reported in a previous report during such year, only the unchanged amount need be carried forward. If no contributions or expenditures have been accepted or expended during a calendar year, the treasurer of the legal defense committee shall file a statement to that effect.

    (Apr. 27, 2012, D.C. Law 19-124, § 331, 59 DCR 1862.)


    Legislative History of Laws

    For history of Law 19-124, see notes under § 1-1161.01.

  • Current through October 23, 2012 Back to Top
  • (a) A report or statement required by this part to be filed by a treasurer of a legal defense committee shall be verified by the oath or affirmation of the person filing the report or statement and by the individual to be benefitted by the committee.

    (b) A copy of a report or statement shall be preserved by the person filing and by the individual to be benefitted by the committee for a period to be designated by the Elections Board in a published regulation.

    (c) The Elections Board shall, by published regulations of general applicability, prescribe the manner in which contributions and expenditures in the nature of debts and other contracts, agreements, and promises to make contributions or expenditures shall be reported. The regulations shall provide that they be reported in separate schedules. In determining aggregate amounts of contributions and expenditures, amounts reported as provided in the regulations shall not be considered until actual payment is made.

    (d) Any legal defense committee which, after having filed one or more statements of organization, disbands or determines it will no longer receive contributions or make expenditures during the calendar year shall so notify the Director.

    (e) All actions of the Elections Board or of the United States Attorney for the District of Columbia to enforce the provisions of this part must be initiated within 5 years of the discovery of the alleged violation of this part.

    (Apr. 27, 2012, D.C. Law 19-124, § 332, 59 DCR 1862.)


    Legislative History of Laws

    For history of Law 19-124, see notes under § 1-1161.01.