Recently Updated Code

Total 100
Effective Date Enactment Number Section
9/20/2012 D.C. Law 19-168 § 50-2603 Power of Mayor to acquire property; construct and maintain parking facilities; dispose of property; establish rates; install parking meters; make street improvements.
3/6/2007 D.C. Law 16-224 § 50-2602 Definitions.
2/16/1942 56 Stat. 90, ch. 76 § 50-2601 Findings and declaration of necessity.
10/26/2010 D.C. Law 18-240 § 50-2552 Rules.
7/13/2012 D.C. Law 19-157 § 50-2551 Ward 1 Enhanced Residential Parking Program.
11/25/2008 D.C. Law 17-279 § 50-2537 Mount Pleasant Visitor Pass Pilot Program.
11/25/2008 D.C. Law 17-279 § 50-2536 Adams Morgan Taxicab Zone Pilot Program.
9/20/2012 D.C. Law 19-168 § 50-2535 Reporting requirements and oversight for each performance parking zone.
9/20/2012 D.C. Law 19-168 § 50-2534 Expenditure of Performance Parking Pilot Program revenue.
11/25/2008 D.C. Law 17-279 § 50-2533 Columbia Heights Retail Performance Parking Pilot Zone.
9/26/2012 D.C. Law 19-171 § 50-2532.01 H Street N.E. Performance Parking Pilot Zone.
11/25/2008 D.C. Law 17-279 § 50-2532 Ballpark Performance Parking Pilot Zone.
9/20/2012 D.C. Law 19-168 § 50-2531.01 Performance Parking Program Fund.
9/20/2012 D.C. Law 19-168 § 50-2531 Performance Parking Zones.
8/23/1994 D.C. Law 10-153 § 50-2514 Conflicting relationships or interests.
8/23/1994 D.C. Law 10-153 § 50-2513 Tax exemption.
4/18/1996 D.C. Law 11-110 § 50-2512 Revenue bonds.
4/18/1996 D.C. Law 11-110 § 50-2511 Parking districts.
8/23/1994 D.C. Law 10-153 § 50-2510 Parking System Fund.
8/23/1994 D.C. Law 10-153 § 50-2509 Transfer of property interest between the District and the Authority.